IAMS Pet Pledge Results – How Did We Do?

Nylabone Review

Back at the start of January I made my IAMS Pet Pledge to help make some positive changes to Stitch – my French Bulldogs lifestyle. Having implemented our changes I am sharing with you my thoughts on whether our pledge has made any difference and whether or not we plan to continue! It’s time for our IAMS Pet Pledge Results.

Our IAMS Pet Pledge

It’s not that Stitch’s lifestyle was poor – if anything he is treated like the prince he thinks he is! The main issue was some habits we had fallen into as pet owners that weren’t adding to his health in a positive way. Things like feeding table scraps here and there or sharing the odd sandwich. When I looked at the amount of human food Stitch was receiving it was quite a large proportion of his food intake. This coupled with the fact that human food isn’t good for dogs and I had seen evidence of that in regards to his digestion and when he had occasionally thrown up on the kitchen floor! As part of my IAMS Pet Pledge I decided to remove all human food from Stitch’s diet and replace any ‘treats’ with a safe, healthy dog alternative.

It was also a good time to take a long hard look at the amount of exercise Stitch was receiving and though I hate to admit it there were times when his walks were cut short or missed completely especially if the weather was poor. I pledged to ensure that Stitch received a sufficient amount of exercise regardless of the weather. I also pledged to give him good quality walks and fit in some longer more stimulating walks throughout the week.

Our IAMS Pet Pledge Results

I would say that initially I thought our pledge didn’t involve huge unachievable changes but it was still difficult to remember not to give him scraps here and there. It had become a real habit and something we did without really thinking. I purchased some dog treats that would be used in place of human food as ‘treats.’ This was a great alternative because it meant that Stitch could still receive a reward here and there but it was something he was allowed and that wasn’t going to cause him issues.

Honestly it was hard resisting those pleading eyes and it was apparent that feeding from our plates had become a habit for us both. However, after a couple of days Stitch realised that he would still receive treats they just didn’t come from my plate. During our IAMS Pet Pledge Stitch also visited the vet for his annual booster vaccination and I mentioned to the vet about our pledge. The vet gave Stitch a health check and agreed that removing human food from his diet would be a health benefit. We also discussed that digestion issues aside because Stitch has been neutered it’s important to monitor his weight as they often gain weight more easily. Removing the additional human table scraps will make monitoring his weight far easier.

IAMS Pet Pledge Results

In regard to walks we made sure to get out for sufficient exercise everyday even when it rained – which of course it did!! We also found some new walks to explore and visited some wooded trails and parks that were only a short drive away. Visiting new and exciting places was stimulating for Stitch and made exercising more fun for him. He really enjoyed the new smells and the intrigue of not recognising where we were. I have also noticed a difference in his mood and he seems to be much more relaxed since increasing his exercise. He had a very naughty streak at times but I would definitely associate this with a lack of exercise and stimulation.

Will We Continue?

After a few days, the changes we implemented were easy to continue and they formed the basis of new more positive habits we have adopted. I’ve noticed a huge difference in Stitch and his digestion and he certainly isn’t doing too bad in regards of weight or condition. After speaking to the vet I am even more certain that this change should be a life change that remains for the health and well-being of Stitch. Increasing his exercise and making sure it remains regular even in adverse weather has also been nothing but positive. Stitch is enjoying going out for regular, stimulating walks and it’s impacting his behaviour in a positive way.

Our IAMS Pet Pledge results have shown a real positive impact that I know will only continue to benefit Stitch and his health. Now that our changes are implemented it’s no real effort so we will be continuing these changes throughout 2018. Taking part in the IAMS Pet Pledge has opened my eyes to some ways in which I was failing Stitch as a dog owner but it has also shown me that with the correct information I can make active, positive changes to enhance Stitch’s health and life.

IAMS Pet Pledge Results

Make Your Own IAMS Pet Pledge

What did you think of our IAMS Pet Pledge results? Do you feel inspired to make a positive change to your pet’s life? Why not join in with the IAMS Pet Pledge and make your very own pledge. You can join the community of other pet owners that are part of the IAMS Pet Pledge and share your journey and experience.

Join the IAMS Pet Pledge here.

Stay up to date with Stitch and our journey by following us on social media here:




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Love as always!

MoProfile soph-obsessed-timeout to de-stressre From Me

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*Our IAMS Pet Pledge results was written in collaboration with IAMS. As always all views, opinions and words remain my own. For more information on any of this please head over to this page.


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