Time Saving Beauty Trends You Should Try

It can be time-consuming to look good and get ready in the mornings. Beauty regimes are sometimes extensive and as a woman whose time is short I need to do everything I can to save time without having to compromise. If like me you want to indulge in a beauty regime but you don’t want it to take all day then try these time saving beauty trends.

Time Saving Beauty Trends You Should Try

  1. Treat Your Face

Using a face mask once a week helps your skin replenish and hydrate. This creates a good base and of course, a good base means skin that is much easier to work with. This will save you time on day to day skin care because your skin will need much less maintenance. Make sure that you use a weekly spot treatment too particularly if your skin is prone to breakouts.

  1. Use a Tinted Moisturiser

One of my biggest beauty trends to try is a tinted moisturiser. Using a tinted moisturiser can be a great alternative to a heavy foundation. It often looks more natural and means you can wear it day to day without it taking as long to apply. Essentially you are moisturising and applying makeup at the same time so it’s a great way to save some time too!

  1. Get a Tan

If you have a good skin base then using a facial fake tan on your face is a great way to avoid the need for foundation altogether. You can build the colour up gradually and having that natural colour glow means that you can skip an entire makeup step but still look gorgeous. Try to avoid using sunbeds though because although a tan looks healthy it isn’t great for your skin and will actually age it in the long run.


  1. Consider Semi-Permanent Makeup

My makeup routine has to be the part of my beauty regime that takes the most time. It’s things like perfecting brows and eyeliner that take the longest. It’s always those moments when you really don’t have the time that it seems to become a huge faff! If this sounds like you then looking into semi permeant makeup might be a big help. You can get semi-permanent makeup in Liverpool and Widnes as well as other places around the country.

  1. Skip the Daily Hair wash

If you are anything like me then having to wash, dry and style your hair can be a nightmare. It is such a time-consuming process and one I absolutely dread! I used to wash my hair every day which is really bad for it not to mention it swallowed up my whole morning! Now I try and go as long between washes as possible. To avoid those greasy locks, I will spray my hair with dry shampoo right before bed. This means that the powder gets to work its magic during the night but I avoid looking like I have those grey roots you get if you use it in the morning!


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