Taf Toys Mealtime Monkey Review (AD GFTED)

*We received this item on a gifting basis in return for an honest review this post may contain affiliate links.

For the past few months, we have been working alongside Taf Toys, putting their wonderful toys through their paces. This is our final instalment where I am going to be talking about the Taf Toys Mealtime Monkey, but I just wanted to touch on the journey we have taken with Taf Toys first. When they first contacted me around September last year, I was really excited to collaborate with them. Hugo was 3 months old and ready to start exploring toys more, but I didn’t really know where to start. I liked their items because they were calming colours with real thought behind the developmental value behind them.

We started out with the Musical Newborn Cosy Gym when Hugo wasn’t able to roll or crawl. From there, he enjoyed tummy time with the Developmental Pillow where he began gaining strength in his head and neck, which he now uses to roll and crawl EVERYWHERE!! We used Taf Toys in the car and on the move, and they have been a big part of his development and growth, so I have to say a big thank you to Taf Toys for that!

Taf Toys Mealtime Monkey

Taf Toys Mealtime Monkey

Since we weaned Hugo at six months old, we have been using the Mealtime Monkey. When babies are this young eating is a bit of a chore, and they are easily distracted. It is hard to keep them engaged in a meal and can be particularly challenging if they are overtired. I found that the Mealtime Monkey has really helped make mealtimes a bit easier.

Taf Toys Mealtime Monkey

As Hugo is getting older, he enjoys opening up the monkey’s mouth and selecting the food himself. It’s a great way to keep him entertained while eating an afternoon snack when he is often irritable and desperate to be picked up. While he is occupied in the high chair, it gives me a moment to grab a hot drink and breathe! Hugo is almost 12 months old and is always on the move. My days are spent shepherding him, and he isn’t fond of staying in one place for too long. Even sitting down for a meal together in the evening was difficult as he would get bored quite quickly and want to get out or be held. That’s where the Mealtime Monkey has been my complete saviour allowing me to finish my meal without having to hold Hugo midway through!

Taf Toys Mealtime Monkey

Our Thoughts

Well, of course, as I have said both Hugo and I are big fans of the Mealtime Monkey but more than that from a parent point of view it is incredibly well made and thought out. The bottom of the monkey is a sucker pad that fixes to the highchair so that Hugo doesn’t knock or throw it on the floor! Something he is known to do with other bowls!! My favourite feature of Mealtime Monkey, is that it can go straight in the dishwasher after use!! I despise items that are handwash only and will often avoid using them for this reason! Call me lazy, and you would be pretty accurate! I don’t have time to stand at the sink and wash up it’s hard enough having to wash up the baby bottles each day without adding plates and bowls into the mix!

The Mealtime Monkey is a simple yet incredibly practical item that I would really recommend to parents. Even as Hugo is getting older, the Mealtime Monkey is used several times a day!! You can purchase your own for around £7.99 on *Amazon.

[amazon_link asins=’B07DCCB26M’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’sophobsessed-21′ marketplace=’UK’ link_id=’2f8d8e6f-f68b-43aa-a1e7-359b800cacd7′]

Thank you for stopping by! Check out my last post here.

Love as always!



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*We received this item on a gifting basis in return for an honest review this post may contain affiliate links.

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