Valentine’s Day With Children Is It Possible?

Valentine’s Day With Children Is It Possible?

Is Valentine’s Day With Children Really Possible?

Valentine’s day isn’t quite what it used to be now I’m a Mum. Getting a babysitter on this romantic night can be near impossible. It’s less wining and more whining but Valentine’s day with children can still be a great day and here’s how:

Valentine's Day With Children Is It Possible? Incorporate Fun With the Kids

Valentine’s day doesn’t just have to be romance with your significant other. Make the day fun for your little ones so they feel like they are involved.

Why not…

  • Have a ‘Hearts & crafts’ session (Get it?!!!) Make valentine cards, crafts and decorate the house for the occasion.
  • Make a special valentine dinner with red foods like Strawberries, raspberries, tomatoes, red peppers, apples etc You could even cut their food into heart shapes to make it really themed!
  • Get your little one a Valentine themed story like: Everyone Loves Valentines by Sally Huss
  • Write little heart messages to friends & family.

Valentine’s Day With Children Doesn’t Mean Romance Has to Be Dead

After the kids have had their valentines fun it doesn’t mean that you and your significant other can’t enjoy a romantic Valentine’s day!

Plan Ahead

The key to romantic time when you have children is to plan ahead. Make sure that you plan out the bedtime routine and you are organised in advance. Children sense when we become stressed and if they feel you panicking because you’re disorganised they will more than likely not settle. Make sure they begin winding down in plenty of time. It’s ridiculous to expect a child to go to bed and sleep after playing & being over stimulated by the day. Make sure they have eaten and begin to quieten down in plenty of time.

Date Night Out

If you are lucky enough to get a babysitter then make sure you enjoy every moment. It’s easy to worry about your little ones or start talking about whose driving your eldest to football club next week but this is time when you can completely switch off. Your kids are safe and looked after and you deserve a well-earned night off.

Valentine's Day With Children Is It Possible? Date Night In

If you can’t get a babysitter it’s not the end of the world. Just because you can’t go out doesn’t mean you can’t have a date night at home. One of the best pieces of advice given to married couples with children is to make time for ‘date night.’ This is sound advice but if you don’t have a babysitter on tap it can be easier said than done. For us, in our house we don’t live near family and finding a babysitter can be hard. This means getting out for a ‘date night’ is near impossible BUT that doesn’t mean we don’t still have perfectly good ‘date nights’ all the same.

Having a ‘date night’ at home is just as much fun. Make a special meal or order takeout but set the table, light some candles and make some effort with how you dress. Or don’t it’s your ‘date night’ after all and the importance is spending time together, feeling comfortable and enjoying each others company. Make sure that just because you are at home that you don’t forget to completely unplug. That means no work emails, checking your phone or taking your attention away from each other.

Even the Best Plans Can Fail

You never know whats going to happen you might not be able to get the kids to bed or your youngest might be sick. If for whatever reason your night doesn’t go to plan, don’t worry! There will be plenty more nights to spend together and Valentine’s day is just a day after all.

What are your tips for spending Valentine’s day with children?

MoProfile soph-obsessed-timeout to de-stressre From Me

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*This post is based on my own opinions and not sponsored.

Valentine's Day With Children Is It Possible?



  1. Laura Rike
    13th February 2017 / 3:33 pm

    Amazing tips! Thanks for these! I love date nights in! xx

    • sophiegw
      14th February 2017 / 10:05 am

      Me too more than nights out now a days!! x

  2. Joanna @ Motherhood and Merlot
    13th February 2017 / 4:57 pm

    We live for date nights in! I hate leaving my kids with a sitter that isn’t family, so I love them:)

    • sophiegw
      14th February 2017 / 10:03 am

      That is exactly how I feel!! x

  3. stylelullaby
    13th February 2017 / 10:05 pm

    great post! planning ahead is definitely key to the perfect vday date when you have kids. 🙂 xo, sharon

    • sophiegw
      14th February 2017 / 10:02 am

      Absolutely learnt that the hard way xx

  4. followmygut2014
    14th February 2017 / 1:20 am

    This sounds so inclusive and totally cute to include kiddies in your VDay fun. I love that you emphasize planning ahead because that will SERIOUSLY make all the difference.

    Danielle | <3

    • sophiegw
      14th February 2017 / 10:00 am

      Oh yes planning is key haha!! xx

  5. Hannah P.
    14th February 2017 / 3:46 pm

    Yes plan plan plan. It is my and my husbands first valentines day with a baby and we didn’t do enough of that. We will have a belated celebration though (better than nothing right?). Love your advice + this post!

    • sophiegw
      15th February 2017 / 6:55 pm

      Exactly and Valentines is just a day it’s the meaning that matters xxx

  6. Marlynn Jayme Schotland
    14th February 2017 / 8:59 pm

    Such great tips! We love celebrating Valentine’s Day as a family, since we get date nights out somewhat regularly. Holidays like this definitely have special meaning with kids! 🙂

    • sophiegw
      15th February 2017 / 6:54 pm

      They do don’t they? I think it’s fab to include them xx

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