Slimming World Week Two Update

Slimming World Week two update feature

Slimming World Week Two Update: How Did It Go?

I have been on Slimming World for two weeks now and it is that time to share my Slimming World week two update with you all! If you missed Week ones update check it out here: Slimming World Week One Update

This week I wasn’t sure that I would have a loss to celebrate. I can’t describe it but I just felt in myself that despite remaining on plan, I hadn’t lost. In week one I knew I had lost. Of course I didn’t know how much I had lost but I definitely knew it was something. This week however I was convinced I had gained or at the very most maintained.

Read my weight journey here.

What am I Loving?

Despite feeling like I hadn’t lost anything this week I have still been loving the Slimming World plan. I love the fact nothing is off-limits and even if it’s naughty I know I can have it but I must syn it correctly. I give myself only one rule and that is I can have anything I really, really want but I must calculate the syn amount first. I’ve found doing this makes me accountable for my choices and gives my brain time to process whether I really need whatever it is or not! It also means I am fully informed so I can ask myself ‘Is this really worth x amount of syns?’ Doing this has shown me how bad certain things can be and helped me make better, healthier choices.

Family Time

When I decided to start Slimming World I was clear about the fact that this was a lifestyle change so that has meant I haven’t just changed what I put into my body but also how I go about it. For example where I would eat on the go or sat in front of the TV meal times now mean family time where we all sit at the table together. This has helped make me aware of what I am eating and also means I get precious time with my family completely unplugged from work and technology.

Loss, Gain or Maintain

My Slimming World week two weigh in results were…. A LOSS!! I managed to lose 2lbs this week  and I am really, really pleased.

Get your free printable and guide to Slimming World here.

Slimming World Week two update feature

Girl Look at My Body – I (Don’t) Work out

Please be aware the below photographs are of my body. I have had a child and it’s certainly not attractive to look at!! Scroll down at your own risk!!!

Slimming World Week Two Update Side Body Shot         Slimming World Week Two Update Front Body Shot

         Slimming World Week Two Update Side Body ShotSlimming World Week Two Update Front Body Shot


Before:                                                                       This Week:

Slimming world week one update Weight loss before        Slimming World Week Two Update front Body Shot

Please remember this is only my Slimming World week two update so the difference won’t be dramatic. My hope is that once I reach my target there will be a clear change.

More From Slimming World

You can find out more about Slimming World by heading to their website here.

MoProfile soph-obsessed-timeout to de-stressre From Me

*Don’t Forget you can sign up to my newsletter quick and easily by entering your details in the sidebar.*

If you want to know more about me head over to this page. For more posts like this you can stay up to date by following me on Bloglovin. Don’t forget to check out my YouTube channel where I post beauty, life, shopping and make-up related videos. You can find all of my social media links in the side bar! Thanks so much for reading!

*This post is based on my own opinions and not sponsored.

If you are interested in Slimming Aids to help weight loss I recently reviewed a great product you can read about here!

Slimming World Week two update feature



  1. danielleruppert
    9th February 2017 / 2:12 pm

    That is amazing girl! Keep up the great work♥

    • sophiegw
      9th February 2017 / 7:57 pm

      Thank you so much xx

  2. Riva
    9th February 2017 / 6:25 pm

    I have heard a lot of great things about Slimming World! That is very inspiring, keep up the good work!

    • sophiegw
      9th February 2017 / 7:47 pm

      Thank you soooo much! xxx

  3. Christina
    9th February 2017 / 6:25 pm

    Keep up the hard work! One day at a time 😉

    • sophiegw
      9th February 2017 / 7:37 pm

      Exactly that’s what I keep saying to myself! Thank you! xx

  4. Jane Williamson
    9th February 2017 / 6:44 pm

    Girl you rock!! I love how confident and motivated you are!!

    • sophiegw
      9th February 2017 / 7:35 pm

      Aw thank you! I don’t feel confident but glad it comes across that way #fakeittilyoumakeit LOL

      Sophie x

  5. auroragloryblog
    9th February 2017 / 7:21 pm

    Congratulations! 2lbs is amazing! I love the Slimming world diet, it’s definitely the easiest one I’ve tried. You’ve made me consider getting back on it. I’ve got a good few stone that needs to go!

    • sophiegw
      9th February 2017 / 7:29 pm

      I’m amazed how much I am enjoying it! Thank you so much xx

  6. sophiegw
    9th February 2017 / 7:50 pm

    Thanks babe that means such a lot! ~just want to feel confident again xxx

  7. sophiegw
    9th February 2017 / 7:55 pm

    Thanks girl really appreciate the support! xx

  8. Issy Fox
    9th February 2017 / 8:02 pm

    Yay well done! The hardest thing about losing weight is getting used to the lifestyle change and that fact you’re seeing such positive effects from it aside from actual weight loss (like family time) is a really sign for the future. I can’t wait to see more of your progress xx

    • sophiegw
      9th February 2017 / 8:46 pm

      Thank you! I really appreciate the encouragement! xx

  9. Ash
    9th February 2017 / 8:09 pm

    wow! this is a really nice adventure and I love that you can share it with us. yes its not easy but the perks are still there. your before and after pictures show the differences too, don’t worry soon you’ll be a hot mom!


    • sophiegw
      9th February 2017 / 8:45 pm

      Here’s hoping thanks so much!!! xx

  10. Paola
    10th February 2017 / 3:38 am

    I love your motivation and determination, keep up the great work gorgeous!

    • sophiegw
      10th February 2017 / 8:39 pm

      Thank you so much xxx

  11. Tereza (@cityscapebliss)
    10th February 2017 / 7:57 am

    Well done on losing the weight – it’s an amazing progress and the most important thing is that you’re enjoying it:) xx

    • sophiegw
      10th February 2017 / 8:38 pm

      Thank you so much xx

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