Week Three Weigh-In

Week Three Weigh-In

It’s time for my week three weigh-in and an opportunity to evaluate how this past week has gone on plan – or not as the case may be.


I’ve got to be honest and admit that I tend to throw myself into Slimming World for the first couple of weeks, but by the third and fourth week, my will power waivers somewhat. To try and combat this, I have been varying my meals as much as possible and also leaning on the Fakeaway style recipes. That is my favourite thing about Slimming World in the sense that you can have almost anything that you fancy if you just tweak the recipe somewhat. There are so many online resources to help so if like me you feel like something really naughty it’s worth a google to try a Slimming World friendly version!


Speed Food Is Key

For me, personally Speed Food is the answer to everything. The more I incorporate Speed Food, the more weight I seem to lose. My current favourite and go-to is melon! I like to prepare it into bowls and keep it to hand in the fridge for those moments when I need a sweet treat. I find with melon if it isn’t prepped I am less likely to reach for it! I’m also really enjoying salads for lunch which is a sentence I never thought I would say! Again, I chop and prep them in advance and can just grab and go when I am hungry! I mix up the toppings adding in cooked chicken breast, tuna or a Hex A portion of cheese and add a small handful of pasta or cooked and chopped potatoes to give it a bit of excitement. I also like to include a sliced boiled egg for extra protein!


Preparation = Success

A considerable part of the Slimming World lifestyle is preparing food from scratch. This process means you are in control of everything that goes into your meal. The problem lies when you have had a busy day and standing in front of the cooker when you are hungry is all too much! It’s in these moments where I would reach for the takeaway menu or binge on something ridiculously high in syns from the cupboard. My hack for avoiding this is preparing as much as possible in advance. I decide what is for dinner and prep as far ahead as possible! Another great tip is to portion out fruit or vegetable speed snacks and have them available to reach for when you are feeling hangry as a buffer while you make dinner!


This Week Overall

Generally, this week has been a good week. I’ve stayed on plan for the most part and have kept up with my exercise classes which I am really starting to enjoy!!

This week I lost 4lb, which means I have lost a total of 13lbs which is sooooo close to a stone!! Don’t forget the best place to stay up to date with my journey on a daily basis is Instagram or Facebook, so give me a follow over there!


How did you do this week?

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Slimming World Going It Alone & Free Printable

My Weight Journey

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List of Speed Foods

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Week One Weigh-In 2020

Week Two Weigh-In 2020

Cheat Days – Are They OK?

Thank you for stopping by! Check out my last post here.

Love as always!

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As always words, views and opinions are honest and my own. Links marked with “*” are affiliate links. This does not cost you anything additional but it may mean I earn a small percentage from any sales. For more information about any of this please head over to this page.



  1. K7renL
    30th January 2020 / 11:26 am

    That’s amazing love. 13lbs! I’ve plateaued a little at 9.5lbs. And tonight is pub dinner. I need more of your prep skills. Massive congrats lovely.

    • sophiegw
      4th February 2020 / 11:11 am

      Thanks so much!! I’m heavy so the weight is easier to drop at this size I’m waiting to hit plateau ville!!

  2. susankmann
    31st January 2020 / 12:24 pm

    That is awesome lovely. Well done and good luck on your journey xx

    • sophiegw
      4th February 2020 / 11:10 am

      Thanks lovely xx

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