Why I Won’t be Sending my Child to Primary School

Why I Won’t be Sending my …

Today is the day my child should embark on his first day of Primary School. He should be walking through the gates sporting a new uniform, anxious, excited and nervous all rolled into one. I should be dropping him off…

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Why I Might Not Have Another Child

Why I Might Not Have Another Child

When you have a child, almost from the minute they are born people ask if you are going to have anymore. It’s a question that just seems on everyone’s lips and although it’s entirely innocent it’s a difficult one for…

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Graduation – From Baby to Boy

Graduation – From Baby to Boy

On the 22nd of July 2016, my almost five-year-old son had his graduation from preschool. It was a rather bittersweet, overwhelming & emotional day to say the least. As I dropped him off in the morning of his last day…

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Positivity – Finding the Positive in a Negative World

Positivity – Finding the Positive in a Negative …

Sometimes we just feel negative and can’t find an ounce of positivity anywhere and frankly, that’s ok. We are human and feeling is completely natural and normal (whatever that means!) It is, however, easy to board the negative train and…

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Playing A Game I Call: Beat the Bin Man

Playing A Game I Call: Beat the …

On Tuesdays, I play a game I call beat the bin man. It’s something I must be subconsciously addicted to playing because despite my personal chastising I still accept the challenge each week. I swear each time that the following…

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