American Horror Story Review

American Horror Story Review

Those of you that know me will be fully aware of my love for a good scare! (Strictly in a watching film from the comfort of my own home capacity.) So when American Horror Story was added to Netflix you’d…

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Summer Holidays – Balancing Psoriatic Arthritis

Summer Holidays – Balancing Psoriatic Arthritis

Well, that time is upon parents across the nation where we are challenged with the almost impossible task of entertaining our children 24 hours a day 7 days a week! Lately, my joints have been stiff and painful not to…

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Positivity – Life With Psoriatic Arthritis

Positivity – Life With Psoriatic Arthritis

I try to remain positive. I am continually reading, hearing and occasionally even preaching myself that positivity and having a positive attitude helps. The thing is that positivity won’t cure this disease I have. It won’t give me my mobility…

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