Homework – Should Children be Set Homework?

Homework – Should Children be Set Homework?

Henry progressed into Year One at the beginning of September. I can’t actually believe that he has already been in school one whole year. During his time in Reception he learnt to read and not just a few words he…

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Simple Self-Care – Self-Care September

Simple Self-Care – Self-Care September

I found the whole idea of self-care overwhelming initially. This idea of putting myself first and looking after me was alien. I’m always running around after the other people in my life and it seemed counterproductive to stretch myself further…

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Self-Care – Why it’s Important – Self-Care September

Self-Care – Why it’s Important – Self-Care September

For the month of September here on Soph-obsessed I have been talking about self-care. It’s the new buzz word at the minute and a hot topic but why is it important to take time out for you? Self-Care As a…

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Incorporating the Beauty of Oak Beams at Home

Incorporating the Beauty of Oak Beams at …

This year has been a busy and intense journey so far. Both myself and my husband have barely stopped work to breathe. We were in desperate need of a holiday and some time away from the hustle and bustle to…

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Yazoo No Added Sugar – Family Fun Pack

Yazoo No Added Sugar – Family Fun Pack

Towards the end of the summer holidays we were treated to a day out at the Odeon cinema and some tasty treats all curtesy of Yazoo No Added Sugar. Cinema Fun The summer holidays can be an expensive time so…

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