Stop Saying Children Need To Catch Up

Stop Saying Children Need To Catch Up

I keep hearing that our children need to catch up over summer. I get it. I’m a parent with a school-aged child. Kids have been out of school for months, and this is going to have a significant impact on…

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Finding Our New Normal In A Crazy World

Finding Our New Normal In A Crazy …

As always, I hope you are all safe and well in these challenging times. Over the past few months, I haven’t written much, and it’s primarily due to not having the words for what I want to say. I want…

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How To Be A Better Person In 2020

How To Be A Better Person In 2020

I honestly believe that there is always scope for improvement in everyone. That’s the beautiful thing about the human race we can evolve and improve. I didn’t have the greatest childhood, and as a result, I rushed into early adulthood…

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Shamed For Wanting To Lose Weight

Shamed For Wanting To Lose Weight

In all the years I’ve been writing this blog I’ve never once shied away from honesty when it comes to my weight journey. I feel it a huge injustice to share only the positive, happy aspects of my life as…

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Having A Large Age Gap Between Children

Having A Large Age Gap Between Children

When it came to deciding if we were going to expand our family, it took a lot of deliberating. It’s not that we ever planned on stopping at just one but life kind of took over and before we knew…

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