When & How Often Should You Weigh Yourself

When & How Often Should You Weigh Yourself

If you are on a weight loss journey, you will at some point have wondered when and how often you should weigh yourself. With lots of conflicting information out there, it can be pretty overwhelming, but I’ve tried to narrow…

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Can We Normalise People Wanting To Lose Weight?

Can We Normalise People Wanting To Lose …

A little over a year ago, I wrote about my experience being ‘shamed’ for wanting to lose weight. It appears that little has changed, and there is still a stigma attached to wanting to lose weight. Can we normalise people…

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Is Slimming World Toxic?

Is Slimming World Toxic?

In the past, when I have spoken about Slimming World, I’ve been met with two opinions. Some people love it, swear by it and count their success on it. Then you have the people that feel it is toxic, unhealthy…

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Resources & Downloads

Resources & Downloads

Printable Downloads If I could give you a tool that would help kickstart your weight journey and tackle the core issues stopping you losing weight would you be interested? I have lived my life constantly cycling through different diet plans…

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Why Am I Not Losing Weight On Slimming World? 

Why Am I Not Losing Weight On …

Slimming World is fantastic for weight loss, and many people praise it as their success tool in shifting those excess pounds! It takes weight loss away from diets and makes it more about lifestyle, which is essentially where the problems…

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