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Can You Really Design Your Home So That It’ll Help You Lose Weight? (Hint: Yes You Can)

feet on a weighing scale

Fancy losing weight but don’t particularly want to spend time and money in the gym? You’re not alone. Thankfully, it is possible to make a significant impact without even leaving the home. You simply need to change your habits and approach.

Here are five simple ways to aid your quest for greater health without major investments or lifestyle changes. Try them out today!

Create Space For Physical Activity

The most obvious way to ensure that your home is designed to help you lose weight is to have a dedicated space for exercise. In an ideal world, you’d have a home gym. Even if this isn’t possible, you can leave floor space in front of the TV. Use this to complete home workout DVDs or play active games on the PlayStation VR or Xbox Kinect. Burning calories in this way is far better than playing Call of Duty while tucking into a pizza.

Utilise Your Garden   

The garden is your personal haven, and gives you the opportunity to get outside and enjoy some light exercise. Growing fruit and vegetables is a great solution because you’ll also gain healthy foods in the long run. Meanwhile, composting or planting flowers can work wonders. Moreover, being out in the sunlight can brighten your mood and make you feel more energised. This will naturally have a positive impact on your desire to work out. 

Make Smarter Bathroom Design Choices

It sounds crazy, but having a cold shower rather than a bath can help you burn calories. It also aids your recovery from muscles aches, which is why athletes use ice baths. Crosswater showers are a great investment. They allow you to enjoy a luxurious wash while still gaining those physical benefits. That’s not to say you won’t still enjoy a nice hot bath from time to time. Still, the habit of a cold morning shower will pay dividends.

Invest In Good Kitchen Gadgets

Most people want to eat more healthily. For many, though, the main obstacle is that it takes too much time. A slow cooker, George Foreman grill, or soup maker will soon change that. The ability to make healthy meals without the hassle should encourage you to embrace smarter habits. On a similar note, installing a water filter tap or using a Brita filter jug will teach you to make smarter decisions regarding hydration.

Even with these great kitchen gadgets, cooking healthy food for yourself and your family is going to involve spending some time in your kitchen. It makes sense that, as well as upgrading your equipment, you should invest some time and money into upgrading your kitchen as well. This way, it’s a more pleasant and even hygienic environment. You can make some quick upgrades to your kitchen by replacing the cupboard doors or even just the door handles for an updated look. You can also add custom splashbacks to make your kitchen feel more like part of your home.

Avoid The Lazy Cleaning Option

Technology allows us to complete many home cleaning tasks through automation. In truth, though, you can turn cleaning into an activity that lets you destress. With a smart music speaker and a Spotify playlist, dusting and doing the dishes can be plenty of fun. Alternatively, you could turn this time into a productive learning session by listening to a podcast. The time spent cleaning will fly by without even thinking about it. Perfect.

Incorporate these ideas into your life, and you should see noticeable changes in no time. Better still, the progress is likely to be felt by the whole household. What more could any parent or homeowner ever ask for?

*Contributed Post

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