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Give Your Home A Subtle Luxurious Feel

When you hear the word luxury or luxurious, it can often be associated with expense. And we can watch home makeover programmes and see them adding in some really luxury items, but it is all very well when a TV show is paying for it. But in reality, if you do shop around and do some research, you can add some luxury into your home quite easily. The word luxury doesn’t have to mean over the top. In fact, that is the better way to go to keep it look understated, but timeless and classy. So here are some of the ways that you can make the interior of your home look more luxurious, without having to spend too much at all.

Crown Molding and Trim

When the wall simply meets the ceiling, it is quite a basic look. To make it look for luxurious, without spending or doing a lot, you can simply add some crown molding. It breaks up the join from the wall and the ceiling, and you can make it as simple or as fancy as you would like; it is much like skirting boards but for ceilings, and makes a home look more ‘finished’.

Change Your Kitchen

Your kitchen is the heart of the home, and will get a lot of wear and tear out of it. So from time to time, it will need some changes. The good news is that if you only change one thing about the kitchen, it can make a big difference. Take the worktops, for example. If they were changed from wood to something like marble or granite, then it can add an instant feel of luxury, and change the look of the worktop too. You could see more about granite worktops prices here, and you may find that it isn’t as costly as you first thought. Painting the units or updating the tiles could also be simple ways to change the look for your kitchen.

Room Focal Point

One way to add luxury to your home, that could just involve moving some items of furniture around, is by creating a focal point in each room. It isn’t anything too fancy either, it simply means where your eyes focus when you walk in the room. For living areas it is often something like a fireplace or wood burner. For a kitchen it could be an island, and for bedrooms it tends to be the bed. So choose a focal point and really make it stand out. Some new bedding or bedside lamps could quickly make your bedroom focal point look much more inviting.

Use Colour Wisely

The colours that you use in your home can do a lot of things for your home. It can change the mood, as well as give off a vibe about the room. Warm colours are often the best choice for luxurious looking homes, with an off-white often being better than a bright white. Deep colours like purple and green can be good for a luxury look, as well as dark blue. Use colour wisely, as less is definitely more.

*Contributed post

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