With Christmas approaching fast, you may be thinking about all the guests visiting your home over the festive period. Having friends and family over to celebrate this special time of the year is excellent. However, if there are parts of your home you don’t love, you may be keen to get them sorted before Christmas comes around. If your kitchen is your least favourite room, it can be challenging to know how to improve it without carrying out a major renovation project. There is no doubt replacing a kitchen is an expensive task, but there are ways to liven up your kitchen before Christmas comes along. If you need some inspiration to help you perfect your kitchen ahead of Christmas, take a look at these ideas to help you get started:
First Steps
Are you planning to makeover your kitchen in just a couple of days? You will be pleased to know it is possible, but planning is vital. Preparing as much as you can beforehand will enable you to get stuck into this project at the earliest opportunity.
The first part of your preparations is to think about the kitchen and which features you are happy to keep and which you want to change. This will enable you to prioritise the order of the work so it gets completed quickly. You will then be able to list all the different tasks you plan to complete and shop for the supplies needed to make this happen. If you are struggling for ideas, it is helpful to look through interior design websites and magazines to help you get a clearer idea of the type of style you are aiming to achieve.
Perfect Paint
There is no need to rip out wall units and demolish your kitchen when you can repurpose the existing units so easily. Replacing kitchen units and worktops is the most expensive part of a kitchen remodel, so avoiding this will help you spend less on the makeover and save a lot of time and inconvenience. Simply repainting the units if you do not like the colour and changing the door handles can make a vast difference and make the units look brand new.
Don’t forget to keep using paint to spruce up the rest of your kitchen. Choosing a contrasting shade to paint the walls is a great way to make the transformation even more noticeable. If your kitchen tiles are not to your liking, you could even buy some tile paint and go over them to cover up the design.
Add Some Accessories
If you want to add some Mediterranean charm to your kitchen, then introducing some colourful Spanish ceramics is the way to go. Displaying Mediterannean cookware and crockery in your kitchen will add a vibrant pop of colour and will instantly uplift the space. Whether you decide to display your new ceramics on your worktops or put up some shelves for them, they are sure to provide the perfect finishing touch to your kitchen makeover.