How to Make the Most of your Spare Bedroom

Decluttering Cupboards

How to Make the Most of your Spare Bedroom

Spare rooms, if left unattended, can quickly turn into a storage space, littered with all your unneeded items. It’s so easy to neglect your spare bedroom that you can start losing sight of just how much of a luxury a spare room can be. Embrace your spare room now with these ideas on ways to make the most of the space.

Give Yourself a Walk in Wardrobe

Who doesn’t want a walk in wardrobe? It’s the stuff you dreamed off when you were younger (thank Cher Horowitz for that), and as an adult it has just as much of a novelty aspect. Consider using your spare bedroom as a walk in wardrobe to give your bedroom some extra space. This can be as pricey or as cheap as you need, as there’s lots of ways to go about it. For the more affordable option, look for clothing rails which can be found in many stores to place around the room. Or if you’re willing to spend a little extra, invest in a walk in wardrobe system with built in compartments for all your items.

Make it a Home Office

Whether you’re a blogger or you work from home, having a home office is a really handy way to make use of your spare bedroom. The main components you’ll need are some sort of desk and a comfortable and supportive chair. Once that’s sorted, it’s time to have some fun with creating your dream office! Consider re-decorating if you feel that the current colours of the room are unsuitable or too distracting. Some of the best colours for a home office according to colour psychology include blue, yellow and green. Blue stimulates the brain, yellow promotes creativity, and green is calming and reassuring.

spare bedroom paint


Go with a Guest Bedroom

 The most obvious choice of all, turning your spare room into a guest bedroom is a practical idea on how to make use of the space. Whether you have lots of guests or not, a spare bedroom can be really handy for unexpected sleepovers or even if you want a change of scenery to sleep in yourself.  Invest in a compact but comfortable bed such as a small double divan bed with mattress and headboard, and opt for decor in comfortable furnishings and welcoming colours.

Making Time For Me

Create a Reading Den

Lastly, if none of the above ideas take your fancy, think about turning the empty room into your very own reading den! This is perfect for bookworms who need a place to cosy up and read without any distractions, and if you have kids it also makes a great place for them to read and learn. You can find plenty of ideas on how to create this on Pinterest, the main elements being that the space is comfortable and peaceful with lots of natural light, and of course, books.

Do you have any other ideas on how to use your spare room?

Thank you for stopping by! If you found this post interesting don’t forget to check out these similar posts:

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Love as always!

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