Employment as a New Mum

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Once you have given birth to your new baby, you may not be thinking about a return to work immediately. Over time, many want to still pursue their career, but have concerns about leaving their child. On the other hand, some mums like the idea of returning to work, as it still allows them to provide, and gives them a break from the many stresses of raising a child. 

There are several options open to new mums, and even dads, that may be suitable for your family. These will depend on your current income, as well as the minimum amount required to make ends meet each month. You don’t want to be left scraping for cash between paydays but, at the same time, you also want to do what feels right for your family.

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Self Employed

Becoming self employed is something that may suit a number of new mums. If you have a trade or even experience within a sector, it may be possible for you to work for yourself from home. This may involve taking on contracts with clients, or even working on a freelance basis. 

Using a simple to use invoice maker, you can complete your designated work, then easily send out an invoice to your client to receive quick and simple payment online – you can include in this information on how you would like to be paid and when. Theoretically, this means it is possible to multitask your own employment alongside raising your child, especially when the hours can be ones that suit you best. Always use the suitable tools available to you, to help manage being self employed.

Part-Time Work

Another option you might like to consider would be returning to work, or finding a new job, on a part-time basis. When your children get older, this could involve working during their school hours, meaning you won’t need to find childcare. Alternatively, you could also set your hours for when your partner or other adult family member is home. 

If you plan on returning to a company that you have worked at for at least 26 weeks, you may also be able to request a flexible working schedule, which will allow you to alter your start and end times to better suit your family.

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Consider Dad’s Position

In some families, it may be the case that you want to return to work, but your partner may want to stay home to raise the children. In a modern world, it is entirely possible for a woman to become the main breadwinner in the household, and the man to stay home and nurture the children. This will leave you time to return to your career, or even work towards a different one by gaining extra qualifications and training as a mature student.

On the other hand, it is also possible for you both to return to work, so long as you seek out a qualified and registered childminder

There are multiple options available to you as a new parent. While these may not need to be put into place now, considering them earlier will give you more time to weigh up your options and see what will suit your family best.

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