Juggling my Job as a Mum and Still Making Time for me
There is no denying that my family is at the centre of my world. Being a Mum is one of the hardest, most stressful yet rewarding and wonderful jobs I have ever done. I wouldn’t change it for the world BUT I have learnt along the way I still need to be making time for me.
My day is often a flurry of chaos between the school run, taking care of the dogs, food shopping, cleaning, working out, cooking tea, blogging and that’s not including finding time to get in the shower. In order to get things done I have to be on top of my game and ready to slide seamlessly from one job to the next. All this and I have to look like I’ve got my life together in the process!!
Being a Mother isn’t like any other job. You don’t get a day off each week where you can have a lie in or cozy up for a lazy afternoon. It’s all about juggling my time, something that can be easier said than done.
A Typical Day For Me..
A typical day for me includes:
The School Run
Mornings are ultimate carnage most days. We have lost socks, spilt breakfast and an abundance of coffees that have gone cold! I kid you not once Henry forgot to put on underpants! After the biggest challenge of my day – ushering Henry out of the door, it’s time to do the School run. This task is time critical and there is this unwritten rule as a Mother, that you need to show up at the school gates, on time, looking presentable AND with the appearance that you have your life in order. All of which I somehow seem to manage to completely wing almost every single day!!
Dog Walk
When I get back home it’s time to take the dogs out for a good run. Luckily for me neither of our dogs require large amounts of exercise.A nice walk in the morning means, if I have to go out and leave them at any point during the day, then they aren’t climbing the walls. It makes juggling my job as a Mum and making time for me ever so slightly easier.
Lunchtime Date Time
It’s not an uncommon affair for me to head into Manchester centre to catch lunch with the hubby. We don’t have an abundance of babysitters on tap so we catch our moments where we can, when our son is in the free childcare we call school. It’s nice to spend this time together as a couple doing things we used to do pre-Henry. I feel like these little moments help make me feel like I’m still making time for me whilst managing being a Mother.
Time to be a Mum Boss
After lunch I head home to crack on with some blogging work. I’m either keeping on top of my social media, taking pictures or writing posts. Usually this is the part of the day I feel most inspired and encouraged. If I’m secretly honest it’s what I really love doing. It gives me some time to just do what I enjoy. All this and a quick brew before It’s time to run back to the school.
Motherly Duties
Once we are back from the school run it’s time to get tea on and start getting Henry ready to wind down. One of my favourite things to do together in the evening is snuggle up and share a story. I really think that reading together is important and even though I’m a busy Mum with lots of corners I’m trying to cut, this is one thing I try my best not to miss out.
Once everyone is fed watered and settled in for the night I try to schedule in some time for myself. Sometimes this involves going to the gym which, to some people might not sound like a great way to relax! For me though it is a great way to de-stress and just get the blood pumping. I spend a large portion of my day sat behind a computer screen and having a break from that does wonders for the soul. I’m no gym bunny but there is something therapeutic about a nice steady gym session or Yoga class. If I don’t feel much like going out I might treat myself to a pamper night in with a hot bath using a special bath bomb or curling up with a good book.
Drinks With the Girls
Sometimes the evening calls for something a little faster paced like drinks out with the girls. We can all relate to the trials and tribulations of Motherhood. For us sometimes our only true me time escape is in the evening and we like to make the most of it by celebrating and having a good old catch up!
It’s All About The Timing
So despite the fact my life is hectic it’s really all about juggling my job as a Mum and making time for me. Being a Mother is a full-time job with an infinite amount of compulsory overtime. We are overworked, under paid and rarely, truly ever get to clock off. It’s important that we take our moments where we can. I realise now that taking time for me is important. It’s not something that I should feel guilty or bad about. Taking time out for me actually helps me be a better Mother, wife, dog slave, cleaner but mostly it makes me feel like an individual again.
Make Life Easier
I find the easiest way to aid making time for me is to always be ready for it. It might mean having a five-minute cup of tea between loading the dishwasher or a pre-arranged date night out with the hubby. Sometimes our schedules aren’t conventional but it doesn’t matter where you take your me time. It’s just important that you do.
I like to avoid having more costume changes than Clarke Kent so I try to base my style on something that can simply transition throughout my day without me sticking out like a sore thumb. I like easy simple outfits that can be easily dressed up or down appropriately. After all why waste valuable me time on changing into a completely different outfit not to mention the extra washing that would create! You’ll often find me in comfy high-waisted jeans and a jumper or top that can be smart and casual without compromising on feeling comfortable!
The perfect compliment to my fast paced, busy lifestyle, alongside a gallon of coffee has to be my new Ice Duo watch from F.Hinds. I love the way the colour contrast is anything but boring, yet subtle enough to glide through any wardrobe choice for any given purpose. I’ve struggled to find a watch in the past that is functional but also trendy.
I can easily wear this watch out for drinks with the girls as well as to the gym, all without looking like a fool in either scenario. Which, if I’m honest, I absolutely LOVE. I’m a busy Mum! I don’t have the time or the energy to accessorise for every occasion! The hands are clear to read which makes keeping an eye on the time a breeze and the strap is comfortable and easy to wear, whatever it is I’m up to. They come in a range of beautiful contrasting colours to suit any personality! You can shop my watch and check out the full range of ICE Duo Watches from F.Hinds here.
Making time for me is difficult but entirely necessary! Do you value some good old me time? How do you go about making time for yourself? I’d love to hear your thoughts…
re From Me
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If you want to know more about me head over to this page. For more posts like this you can stay up to date by following me on Bloglovin. Don’t forget to check out my YouTube channel where I post beauty, life, shopping and make-up related videos. You can find all of my social media links in the side bar! Thanks so much for reading!
*This post was written in collaboration with ICE Watch & F.Hinds however views, opinions and content is entirely honest and my own. For more information please visit here.
An interesting read, makes me wonder though how an earth anyone can have children and continue with their career! 🙁 can you really do both?
Hey Becky!!!
You absolutely can. It’s not easy but you get into a stride as with anything and once you’ve established that the rest is a piece of cake. It’s just balance, somedays are harder than others but please don’t let it put you off. We are women and we seem to gain these supermum powers when we give birth that make us amazingly good at juggling everything all at once! <3 xx
I love this! So important
I use to have a mug shots as a snack in work as these were free, are these still free? Thanks
Some still are yes x