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What to Expect From a Root Canal: The Complete Guide

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Root canals are a procedure to remove the infected pulp from a tooth. This type of dentistry usually happens when a tooth has been damaged so severely that there is no other way to save it. A root canal can also be done on teeth with extreme decay or if your tooth has become cracked due to natural wear and tear. Root canals can be painful, but they’re not as bad as many people think they will be. There’s also nothing to fear about the procedure itself. This article will give you all the information you need to know about root canal indications and what to expect if you need one.

What Is A Root Canal?

A root canal is a dental procedure used to remove the infected pulp inside of a damaged or infected tooth. The procedure can also be done on teeth with extreme decay or if your tooth has become cracked due to natural wear and tear.

The term “root canal” refers to the fact that the dentist will drill into the tooth and then use small tools to clean out the tooth’s interior where it connects with your jawbone. Once this is done, they will fill in the area with a sealant or filling material, so there’s no longer any bacteria in your mouth.

Finding A Dentist

Finding a dentist in your area to do your root canal can be challenging. Many dentists will offer this procedure, but finding the right one might take some time. See a qualified dentist who has the necessary training and credentials before making an appointment and one you feel comfortable with, as that will help ease worries. If you’re unsure where to start your search and need some expert advice, head over to Pure Dentistry at They have a highly qualified team who can provide a consultation and determine what could benefit you.

How Painful Is A Root Canal?

In the past, the pain caused by a root canal was often thought to be unbearable, but today it’s not as bad as you might think. Today’s anaesthesia methods make the procedure much more bearable than it used to be.

It’s also important to note that if you’re feeling too much pain during your root canal, other methods are available for numbing your mouth area. Some dentists offer nitrous oxide gas sedation or IV sedation in addition to the standard local anaesthesia, so patients don’t have to go through the entire procedure in agony.

Getting a root canal is less uncomfortable for many patients than treating a cavity with painful shots and drills. A root canal won’t require drilling into your tooth like a traditional filling; instead, the dentist will use specialized tools to remove the infection from the inside of your tooth.

When Would You Need A Root Canal?

If your tooth has become infected and is in pain, it may be a good time to get a root canal. You’ll know if you have an infected tooth because you will feel some symptoms such as toothache, swelling, bad breath, fever, and tenderness around your teeth and gums.

If you need a root canal, it probably means that your tooth has been damaged so badly that there’s nothing more anyone can do to save it. It most frequently happens with teeth that have extreme decay or have been severely cracked from natural wear and tear. Your dentist may recommend a root canal for several reasons, including removing the infected pulp from a tooth, stabilizing a cracked or broken tooth, treating gum disease, or for teeth with significant decay or damage.

Risk Of Getting A Root Canal

Root canals are a common procedure, but they’re often misunderstood. There’s a lot of information out there that can be confusing and even scary for people who need to get one. The truth is, root canals are not nearly as painful as many people imagine them to be, and while the procedure itself is not something you would want to do all day, every day, it’s not anything to fear.

How To Prevent Tooth Decay

If you’re looking for ways to avoid root canals, the best way is to prevent tooth decay. Many oral hygiene techniques can help you limit your chances of getting a root canal.

Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and use mouthwash at least once a day. Make sure to floss every day since this will remove any food particles stuck in your teeth.

It’s also important to visit your dentist regularly so they can give you tips on how to care for your teeth and so they can examine them for any signs of tooth decay or damage. The more often you go, the less likely it’ll be that you’ll need a root canal.

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