March 2017 Roundup – What’s Been Going Down?


March 2017 Roundup – Some Updates & Favourites

Here is my March 2017 roundup where you can find out what I have been loving and some life updates!

#MYBREWSCOLDMArch 2017 roundup

In March I started the a hashtag for Twitter & Instagram. You can read the full detailed story here. I would love if you wanted to use #mybrewscold when posting on either Twitter or Instagram. Doing so will receive a like and retweet on Twitter & a like and regram on instagram. Also make sure you follow the #mybrewscold Instagram page which is dedicated to sharing posts of those using the hashtag. To celebrate #mybrewscold there is also a chance to win £20 in Amazon vouchers just head over here!

On the topic of Giveaways there is also a giveaway in collaboration with Nurture Immunity to win 1 of 5 Nurture Fruity Water+ Prize Bundles worth £25 each! Don’t forget to enter here!

Weight Loss

So I have to be honest in this March 2017 roundup and admit that when it comes to my weight loss I haven’t quite been on top of my game! When I look at my life I see it as a list of priorities and some things are higher up the list than others. Weight loss was high up on that list but as I have achieved success it has dropped down. I am not content with this and know that in order to achieve my target, which I really, really want to do, I must get serious about where weight loss lies in my priorities! Check out the latest in my weight loss here.

The Impact of Other Peoples Attitude

I wrote recently about the wonder of empowering each other and how for reasons unknown this mentality to tear each other down lingers. I hit a slump mid March where I have to admit I allowed the attitue of specific people to impact me and how I felt. This is not ok. It’s not ok for people to tell you in a passive aggressive manner that they are up here and you are down there. By insinuating that alone, you prove you are below me. It’s simple any woman who feels boosted by making other people feel bad is not a good person. Period. I have realised I am the fool for bending over backwards to accommodate these people only to be dealt a backhanded blow. It hasn’t gone unnoticed and how I respond moving forward will be extremely telling.


March 2017 roundup

Time for Stitch’s March 2017 roundup and I am at a complete loss with this dog. We are having a hierarchy issue at present where Prince Stitch seems to believe he is higher up the pecking order than he is! He is completely besotted with me (which admittedly I love) he understands I am top dog but he seems to have assumed the role of second in command. He needs a short, sharp shock back to reality because he is fast becoming too big for his boots! oh and on the topic of house training we are still not there although after having some nicer weather it means the back doors can be open more so he is starting to get the idea! Wish me luck, I sooo need it!

Books March 2017 roundup

I have become completely engrossed in the Sophia Amoruso book #GIRLBOSS. It is a fantastic read if you are wanting some motivation and inspiration toward becoming or pursuing your dreams.

Coconut Lane

If ever there was a shop created for an individual then Coconut Lane would be my shop. I LOVE quirky prints, quotes and awesome pretty designed notebooks! I have bought sooo much from them and I couldn’t complete this post without mentioning them!!! If like me you are print, notebook and overall cool design obsessed head over to their website here. I am also lucky to be able to offer you a 20% discount if you enter sophobsessed20 at checkout!

I hope you have enjoyed my March 2017 roundup not a lot seems to have happened this month but can we just discuss how it is officially Spring? Does anyone else feel like life is going by way too fast?!?

MoEmpowering each otherre From Me

*Don’t Forget you can sign up to my newsletter quick and easily by entering your details in the sidebar.*

If you want to know more about me head over to this page. For more posts like this you can stay up to date by following me on Bloglovin. Don’t forget to check out my YouTube channel where I post beauty, life, shopping and make-up related videos. You can find all of my social media links in the side bar! Thanks so much for reading!
*This post is not sponsored as and always all opinions and views are honest, true and my own. Some links my be affiliate links please head over here for my full disclaimer.



  1. Juli
    31st March 2017 / 1:49 pm

    Love Prince Stitch the most out of your round up. I will send infinity wishes for your training with him.

  2. theresamariedaily
    31st March 2017 / 4:46 pm

    This is a great post! I love wrap up posts like this one!

  3. Cassidy Ann
    31st March 2017 / 5:03 pm

    Just followed your #mybrewscold Insta dear! <3 the page and the concept! And… regarding the disempowering people in your life – you know belittling is typically rooted in envy and insecurity and it must be excruciatingly painful to feel threatened by powerhouses like you. Don't let any of it affect your mission – You are an inspiration to be championed! Prayers for the naysayers dear <3

  4. pip_says
    1st April 2017 / 4:26 am

    Awww that is the sweetest dog! What a lovely post. xxx

  5. Meggie-Fay
    2nd April 2017 / 9:24 am

    Lovely, keep up the amazing work! ?

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