Aldi Stationery: Must Have Special Buy Grab While You Can

Aldi Stationery: Must Have Special Buy Grab …

Bit of an Aldi Snob I’m not going to lie in the past I was a bit of an Aldi snob. I’d been in there and felt like there wasn’t a whole load of much beyond baskets of tat. However…

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Slimming World Week Seven Update: BMI & Back in the Game

Slimming World Week Seven Update: BMI & Back …

Slimming World Week Seven Update: How’s it Been? It’s time to share my Slimming World week seven update with you all! If you missed my last updates check them out: Slimming World Week One Update, Slimming World Week Two Update, Slimming World Week Three…

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£20 Amazon Voucher Giveaway to Celebrate #mybrewscold

£20 Amazon Voucher Giveaway to Celebrate #mybrewscold

#mybrewscold In my latest post you’ll know I’ve created the hashtag: #mybrewscold  for Instagram & Twitter. To mark this event and celebrate I’m running a £20 Amazon voucher giveaway to use on Don’t forget to like the Instagram account…

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#mybrewscold – A Hashtag for Support Relevant for Everyone

#mybrewscold – A Hashtag for Support Relevant for …

What is a Brew? ENTER THE COMPETITION TO WIN £20 AMAZON VOUCHERS TO CELBRATE #MYBREWSCOLD HERE The ‘brew’ in #mybrewscold is a noun used to describe a cup/mug of tea or coffee. If you know me by person or just…

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Empowering Each Other: Why Are We So Afraid?

Empowering Each Other: Why Are We So …

Empowering Each Other: Is it a Thing of the Past? We seem to be living in a world with this mentality that we cannot support each other. People never seem happy for each other any more and life has become…

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