PRONAMEL Strong & Bright Enamel Toothpaste : Why It’s Important to Look After Your Enamel

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Dental Healthcare

Growing up you are told the importance of looking after your teeth and I’ve always brushed twice a day but the exact science behind why this is important is something I was unaware of! I was luckily sent a sample of the Pronamel Strong & Bright Enamel toothpaste to try so I took this opportunity to educate myself on dental hygiene.

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Enamel: What is it?

So whenever you hear about dental health there is much jargon that is alien to me, like enamel. I know enamel is important but I don’t really know what it is or why it’s important.

I’ve learnt that enamel is the term used for the outer layer of the teeth and it’s job is to protect the under layers. So it sounds like enamel has a pretty crucial role in dental health so keeping that enamel healthy sounds really important!

Pronamel strong & Bright Enamel

When the enamel is weakened or damaged the teeth can appear dull and yellow in colour. Everyone wants a white smile and underneath that they want healthy teeth so it makes perfect sense to protect the enamel in the first instance.

PRONAMEL Strong & Bright Enamel

Pronamel Strong & Bright Enamel is specifically formulated to protect the enamel layer and polish away stains leaving you with a bright smile.

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Personally I don’t like toothpaste that is too harsh and strong in flavour. The Pronamel Strong & Bright Enamel toothpaste had a lovely mild minty flavour that isn’t over powering but leaves your teeth and mouth feeling and smelling fresh.

Being a busy Mum I don’t have time for dental treatments that take a huge amount of effort or time so I was surprised that I could protect the enamel on my teeth by simply replacing my current toothpaste twice a day.

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What Did I Think?

Honestly changing toothpaste wasn’t the top of my list when it came to things to do. I felt like my current dental health was overall pretty good. I was shocked to learn just how easily the enamel layer can become damaged and just how easy it is to protect with the help of the Pronamel Strong & Bright Enamel.

Using the toothpaste isn’t a chore at all and I have actually found it easy to replace my usual brand and the minty taste is one of the nicest I have tried!

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Now it may be too soon to wax lyrical about how wonderful it is working BUT my teeth are brighter despite having used whitening toothpaste for the last three years! After brushing my teeth feel clean and fresh and the fact that they are being taken care of correctly is a huge bonus!

More From Pronamel

The Pronamel Strong & Bright Enamel toothpaste retails for around the £5.00 mark which is the only negative I can pick at! Toothpaste never lasts long in our household so I tend to stick around the £3.00 mark. That being said there are always offers on at the supermarkets and other stockists so if you can get it at a bargain price and stock up it is well worth it. Can you really put a price on good dental healthcare?

For more information on Pronamel Strong & Bright Enamel toothpaste and stockists head over to their website here.

Thanks so much for stopping by! Love as always!

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*I was kindly sent the Pronamel Strong & Bright Enamel toothpaste to try. All words, opinions and views as always remain my own. For more information on this please head to this page.


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