This Mama – Empowering All Mamas Everywhere

This Mama – Empowering All Mamas Everywhere

This Mama

Since becoming a Mother almost six years ago I have realised the importance of empowering and reassuring other women and abolishing this whole world of judgement that we thrust upon each other and thrust upon ourselves. As a new Mum I was OUT OF MY DEPTH! Wholly and completely. This Mama is all about empowering Mums everywhere!

This Mama


Being a Mother is the most stressful, unbelievably scary at times job I have ever and will ever undertake in my life. I literally had this baby and whilst not remotely qualified I was sent home to keep him alive! Say what??? If you haven’t already you can read here about the time I almost cooked him!!

Being a Mum is also the most rewarding thing I have ever done! Let me tell you I was meant to be a Mum, pure and simple. I really was! That being said I reiterate that Motherhood is blooming hard work and we can all relate to each other on that level!

This Mama

We are all Different

We are all different. Each of us has a different version of parenting that works for us. This Mama might have tea in her cup, This Mama might have coffee but we have all had moments where we wish it was gin! When you strip everything back we are all just Mums who are trying our best to get by! There is no how to guide when it comes to parenting. Really we are all feeling our way in the dark hoping ultimately that we don’t screw our kids up forever.

Embrace the fact that we are all This Mama & This Mama can be exactly who and what she wants to be because all of us other Mums are cheering her on!!

This Mama is proud to support other Mamas everywhere!

This Mama

Shop This Mama

To celebrate, empower and abolish judgement against Mums everywhere I have created This Mama as a brand. I have launched a cute This Mama mug and gift box set which you can shop & find here. There are loads more coming to the This Mama range so keep your eyes a peeled Mamas!

Thank you so much for stopping by! Love as always

MoProfile soph-obsessed-timeout to de-stressre From Me

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If you want to know more about me head over to this page. Do you like posts like this? It’s free and easy to follow me on Bloglovin. Don’t forget to check out my YouTube channel where I post beauty, life, shopping and make-up related videos. You can find all of my social media links in the side bar! Thanks so much for reading!


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