5 Ways to Support Your Child as They Start Primary School

5 Ways to Support Your Child as They …

Starting primary school is a significant milestone in a child’s life, and as parents, it’s natural to want to provide the best support during this exciting and sometimes overwhelming period. I went through this very journey last year with Hugo,…

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Slimming World Group – Why It’s Not For Me

Slimming World Group – Why It’s Not …

I’ve made no secret of the fact I am not a massive fan of attending Slimming World groups. I like the principle of the plan, and I can see how the meetings can really help some people, but I struggle…

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Meeting the Maternity Mental Health Team

Meeting the Maternity Mental Health Team

Last night I had an appointment with the mental health team in the maternity unit at the hospital where in a few short months I will give birth to my second baby. I have previously written about my feelings on…

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This Mama – Empowering All Mamas Everywhere

This Mama – Empowering All Mamas Everywhere

This Mama Since becoming a Mother almost six years ago I have realised the importance of empowering and reassuring other women and abolishing this whole world of judgement that we thrust upon each other and thrust upon ourselves. As a…

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#mybrewscold – A Hashtag for Support Relevant for Everyone

#mybrewscold – A Hashtag for Support Relevant for …

What is a Brew? ENTER THE COMPETITION TO WIN £20 AMAZON VOUCHERS TO CELBRATE #MYBREWSCOLD HERE The ‘brew’ in #mybrewscold is a noun used to describe a cup/mug of tea or coffee. If you know me by person or just…

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