I’ve Lost 4 Stone Since January – Here’s How

Before and after weight loss photos

In January I wrote this post all about my weight loss goals for 2024. Since that date, I haven’t provided anything in the way of an update in regards to my weight loss. I feel like it’s time to check in and let you know how I’m getting on and I’m excited to share that I’ve lost 4 stone and it didn’t feel like I was on a diet!

As always, before undertaking any kind of weight loss or lifestyle change, it is always best to speak to a medical professional or registered dietician who is best suited to give personalised advice on your individual health needs and health issues. This blog post has been researched to the best of my ability, and the information posted is accurate at the time of publication.

protein shake recipes to lose weight

My Weight Journey

Long-term followers of this blog will know that I have been on multiple different weight loss journeys over the past 10 years. I had great success with Slimming World and lost a good amount of weight but then getting pregnant with my youngest really took its toll on my body.

If I am truly honest weight loss for me has been part of my personality for the past 20 years. I have never reached my target goal and I always feel like I am in some way trying to diet. Never happy with my body or the skin I’m in I have struggled.

But Weight Loss Is Easy

I really despise headlines that claim weight loss is easy. “You just eat less and move more.” Weight loss is much more than that for most people and although there are many people who can slim down and regulate their consumption with ease I don’t believe that’s the majority of us.

A sandwich being measured using a measurement ruler accurate of someone asking Why am I not losing weight in a calorie deficit

Cue the influx of weight loss drugs on the market. Ozempic, Mounjaro, and Wegovy to name only a few – are all GLP-1 medications initially created to tackle diabetes but recently gained traction for their benefits in weight loss. There would be no place in the market for drugs like these if weight loss was as easy as is often claimed.

Although weight loss medications do seem like the be-all and end-all answer they are not readily available to most of us with their price point being out of reach or not qualifying for reasons such as not meeting the criteria. There are also some side effects to contend with – many of which aren’t pleasant plus we don’t know the full effects of what happens when this medication is stopped – does the weight just pile back on??

But, How Did I Lose 4 Stone?

So for most of us weight loss isn’t easy and weight loss medications aren’t the answer either so how did I lose 4 stone? Well, towards the end of last year, I was at a really low point in regard to my weight and body. I had come off the back of another failed dieting attempt and I was really not happy in my body. I decided that I needed to lose weight and get serious about my health but what was I going to do? I needed something sustainable that I could do long term and so I enrolled in two courses. One specifically for weight loss and one for nutrition.

A black board that reads difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations next to a plant

For me, it had always felt as if there was a missing piece to weight loss. Something that I wasn’t privy to. When I look back I realise that I really had very little knowledge when it came to weight loss and nutrition and I was working on what I had picked up online along the way. Why aren’t we taught more about these subjects? As I explored my courses I picked up knowledge that I wish I had learnt years ago! I began applying this to my weight loss journey and the results flowed thick and fast.

I chose calorie counting over Slimming World or Weight Watchers because I needed something sustainable that would fit into my lifestyle as a mum. Eating on the go and in restaurants made Slimming World more of a challenge and it felt like calorie counting was the right fit!

Interestingly it didn’t feel like I was on a diet, I didn’t feel restricted or deprived and I didn’t have these binges which I had previously fallen foul to. All diets work initially though and the proof of success would be if I was able to stick to it long-term.

A card that reads DIET Did I Eat That

Four Months In

Four months in I was still going strong having dropped a dress size and that bloated look was beginning to shed.In February we had been away for a week with friends and I ate snacks, chocolate, treats etc but my weight loss wasn’t impacted. Although I didn’t track too much whilst I was on holiday I found myself making better choices in the restaurants we did eat in and I was listening to my body and stopping when I felt full.

In the past, an event like a holiday would send me off the rails and I would struggle to rein it back in and get back on track upon return. However this time things were different. Being on the correct calorie deficit for me meant that nothing was off limits and I wasn’t deprived so that urge to rebel and binge was gone!

For my birthday my husband surprised me with a trip to New York! Before we left we had an indulgent birthday meal with my family where I drank prosecco and ate all of the food and cake! Then we were in New York drinking full-fat creamy coffees, eating bagels, pizza and sampling so many sweet treats I had a sugar rush the whole trip! Of course, I didn’t log my calories – I was on holiday and balance is important. When I returned I fell naturally back into my logging habits and the weight continued to drop.

Statue of liberty

Where Am I Today

I’ve had three other trips away this year including our summer holiday in Kefalonia, Disneyland Paris and an end-of-summer trip in the South of France. For context, we have never been away this many times in a year and this was very much a one-off for us however if ever I was going to fail at a diet it was this year! The reason I am sharing our trips is that I still enjoyed myself, I drank alcohol, ate greasy chips, and enjoyed cakes! I think it’s important to normalise that yes some days I eat a grilled chicken and avocado salad -(which I adore by the way!) but other times I’m enjoying a doughnut, a slice of pizza or a McDonalds treat with my kids.

Weight loss is about balance and dieting is about eating food. Real food that fills you up and tastes good! No cardboard boring crap! This is where I went wrong in the past – when calorie counting I was eating a calorie deficit that was too low – 1,200 calories is what a small child needs to eat! Not a grown-up. Consuming too little left me feeling deprived and as a result, I couldn’t sustain it. Thus the cycle continued.

As it stands today I have lost 4 stone! I weigh less than I have ever weighed since exiting the womb I am certain. My BMI is healthy – not that that means anything but it’s still cool! I feel good in my body, in my clothes and dieting is no longer my personality. I haven’t reached my full goal yet but I’m proud.

Before & After

For reference the before the photo was from August 2023 – I say this because from this photo being taken, I actually gained weight but I was so certain that this would be another failed attempt I didn’t bother taking another one when I started this journey in January!


Before and after weight loss photos

CaloCoach App

I really feel like discovering this missing piece is what transformed my weight loss journey this time around. Eating the right calorie deficit, and hitting the correct macros as well as using mindfulness resources to heal the root cause behind my poor relationship with food. From my journey comes CaloCoach. For the past few months, a small number of blog supporters have been beta-testing a weight loss app I created to help people lose weight through my experience and what I have learnt. This App is now available to the world here.

CaloCoach is all about ditching fad diets and concentrates on sustainable weight loss that you lose for good. Your calories and macros are calculated uniquely for you based on your own individual factors. You’ll be surprised at how much you can eat and that even treats aren’t off the table. You want a McDonlad’s as a treat with your kidsno problem. A glass of wine, pizza, a chocolate bar it’s all available. By not restricting or depriving you find that the desire to binge isn’t there anymore.

CaloCoach also has an ever-growing recipe library with high-protein meals and a mindfulness resource section with videos, printables and information to help you make lasting changes.

For more information on the CaloCoach app check out the website here: www.calocoach.co.uk.

Pink yoga mat with a pink yoga block and two pink weights

What Now

So like I said before I am not at my target yet so my goal is to continue as I am in a calorie deficit. I’d like to explore the gym and look to tone my body. At the moment the only exercise I do is walking aiming for 10,000 steps a day. My cardio has improved but I’m not a runner or someone who likes to get out of breath haha! I think that’s largely why this solution has worked for me so well.!

Thank you so much for reading. If you want further support and company on your weight loss journey, join my free Facebook Group here. Oh, and If you have found this website and articles useful and you’d like to know how you can say thank you, then I am always appreciative to receive a virtual coffee here. 

Thank you for stopping by! Check out my last post here.

Love as always!

Pink cursive text saying sophie

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In January I wrote this post all about my weight loss goals for 2024. Since that date, I haven't provided anything in the way of an update in regards to my weight loss. I feel like it's time to check in and let you know how I'm getting on and I'm excited to share that I've lost 4 stone and it didn't feel like I was on a diet!


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