Slimming World: Going it Alone Guide & Free Printable

Slimming World: Going it Alone Guide & Free Printable

This post has been updated here.

Slimming World

In my last post I wrote about my weight journey and announced that I was planning to start Slimming World. You can read that post here if you haven’t already. I have decided after careful deliberation that I won’t be attending the weekly Slimming World groups – for now. I have been to a few and feel like they just aren’t for me and I don’t think I will get enough out of the session to be worth the £5.95 weekly fee. For some people, they wouldn’t have had the success they did without their weekly group meetings so for some people they are crucial. If you aren’t sure whether or not group is worth it for you I would consider going and seeing what you think.

UPDATE: It’s December 2024 and I have lost over 5 stone this year. Find out how here!

Before and after weight loss photosPin this image on Pinterest

UPDATE: It’s December 2024 and I have lost over 5 stone this year. Find out how here!

Join my Eight Week Weight Loss Challenge here!!

If you are interested in Slimming Aids to help weight loss I am currently trialling Modius which is designed to suppress hunger and encourage weight loss find out more here.

I recently reviewed another great product you can read about here!

Basic Concept Getting Your Head Around It

If, like me you plan on starting your Slimming World journey alone, or you just want to try the plan to see if it’s right for you before committing, this guide should give you enough information to get on your way on the Extra Easy Plan. Don’t forget to check this post out for my Slimming World Essentials!

I have created a simple pie chart showing the extra easy plan in a visual breakdown. The plan is made up of five sections:

  • Free Food
  • Speed Food
  • Healthy Extra A
  • Healthy Extra B
  • Syns

Slimming World Extra Easy Pie Chart Visual BreakdownPin this image on Pinterest

Calorie Counting or Slimming World: Which One Is Right For You?

Free Food

Foods that fall under the free food category require no weighing or measuring and are yours to enjoy. They should make up the main portion of your meal and consist of:

  • Fruit
  • Vegetables
  • Fish
  • Meat & Poultry
  • Eggs
  • Dairy Products
  • Meat Replacement Products
  • Beans & Lentils
  • Rice
  • Pasta

(Not everything that falls under these categories is on plan so make sure you check to ensure you are following correctly and don’t hinder your success.)

Is Slimming World Toxic?


Pretty much all fresh and frozen fruit is free. Cooked, canned and dried fruit are categorised under Healthy Extras and puree fruit, any fruit juices or smoothies are classed as Syns. 

Examples of Free Fruit:

  • Apples (S)
  • Bananas
  • Blackberries  (S)
  • Blueberries
  • Clementines  (S)
  • Grapes
  • Grapefruit  (S)
  • Kiwi Fruit
  • Melon  (S)
  • Nectarines  (S)
  • Oranges  (S)
  • Pears  (S)
  • Pineapple
  • Plums  (S)
  • Raspberries  (S)
  • Satsuma  (S)
  • Strawberries  (S)
  • Tangerines  (S)


Most vegetables are also free this includes fresh and frozen.


  • Baby Sweetcorn  (S)
  • Bean Sprouts  (S)Going Slimming ~world aslone
  • Beetroot  (S)
  • Broccoli  (S)
  • Cabbage  (S)
  • Carrots  (S)
  • Cauliflower  (S)
  • Celery  (S)
  • Chillies  (S)
  • Cucumber  (S)
  • Green Beans  (S)
  • Garlic  (S)
  • Leeks  (S)
  • Lettuce  (S)
  • Onions  (S)
  • Peppers (S)
  • Potatoes
  • Spinach  (S)
  • Spring Greens  (S)
  • Sweetcorn  
  • Tomatoes  (S)

(Peas are categorised under Beans & Lentils)

Fruits and vegetables with a  (S) next to them are also considered speed foods. Try to make up at least a third of your meal as speed foods.

What Is An SP Day On Slimming World?


Fish is a free food and can be cooked anyway you like as long as you don’t cook it with fat. If fat is used then make sure you count the fat as a Syn.

Fish can be white fish, shellfish or oily fish.

Slimming World recommends you try to eat at least two portions of fish a week and one portion of oily fish a week.

Meat & Poultry

To make sure the meat and poultry you are eating is free choose the leanest cut available. Mince should be less that 5% fat for it to be considered a free food. Make sure you remove all visible fat and any skin from poultry. Fat can be added but it must be counted as a Syn. Burgers, sausages and some pre-made meatballs are usually synned and not on the free list.


  • 5% of less fat mince beef
  • Bacon Medallions
  • Chicken
  • Ham

If you don’t eat meat or you incorporate meat replacement into your diet some examples of free products are:

  • Quorn Mince
  • Quorn Meat pieces
  • Tofu


Eggs are free on extra easy and can be cooked how you like. If you add fat remember it needs to be classed as a syn.


Rice is a free food as long as it is cooked without fat. Packet rice often has a syn value so check in advance.


Dried pasta is free. Fresh pasta contains a syn value due to the additional oils it contains which help keep it moist! 

Other Grains

Other examples of free grains include:

Slimming worldPin this image on Pinterest

  • Quinoa
  • Dried noodles
  • Couscous
  • Buckwheat

Beans, Peas & Lentils are also all free.

Dairy Products


  • Fat Free Natural Fromage Frais
  • Fat Free Natural Yogurt
  • Low Fat Cottage Cheese
  • Quark

(Certain flavoured varieties of the above can have a syn value so please check)

How Often & When Should You Weigh Yourself

Other Free Essentials:

  • All Herbs, Spices, Vinegar,Salt & Pepper
  • Mustard Powder (Jarred mustard has a syn value)
  • Stockpots/cubes
  • Marmite
    TeaPin this image on Pinterest
  • Soy & Oyster Sauce
  • Sweetener (granulated sweetener can be considered a syn value so please check.)
  • Fat free dressing
  • Tomato Puree (containing no oil)
  • Low Calorie Cooking Spray
  • Mint Sauce (no added sugar)
  • Tea without milk
  • Flavoured Tea
  • Coffee
  • Water
  • Diet Fizzy Drinks
  • Slimline Mixers

Healthy Extras

Each day you can choose two healthy extra A and one healthy extra B.

Related Post: Slimming World Healthy Extra B List

Healthy Extra A

This includes high calcium dairy foods.


  • 175ml Whole Milk
  • 250ml Semi-Skimmed Milk
  • 300ml 1% Fat Milk
  • 350ml Skimmed Milk
  • 30g Cheddar
  • 40g Reduced Fat Cheddar
  • 2 Dairylea Light Triangles

Healthy Extra B
My Weight Journey: Starting Slimming World 1Pin this image on Pinterest

This includes high fibre, whole grain cereals.


  • 35g Porridge Oats
  • 40g All Bran
  • 60g Wholemeal Bread
  • 2 Medium Slices Wholemeal Bread
  • 1 Kingsmill Sandwich Thin
  • 2 Weetabix
  • 2 Alpen light Cereal Bars

(Some dried and canned food as well as nuts and seeds are also included please check for details.)

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Related Post: Slimming World Syn Calculator

Syns are foods that are most likely to jeopardise your weight loss. Scoring foods like this and giving them a Syn value means we can still enjoy them in the right way. Some people eat their syn allowance each day and that is what Slimming World recommend. Other people though, have had success and weight loss by combining remaining syns and using them on say a weekend for a treat. It’s up to you how you use this allowance. Find what works best for you. It’s recommended you choose between 5 & 15 syns a day.

There are lots of resources online to find out what constitutes a syn and it’s value but a few examples are:

  • 1 Level tsp Butter – 2 Syns
  • 30g Bag Doritos – 7.5 Syns
  • 1 Level tbsp Mayonnaise – 5.0 Syns
  • Glass of Wine – 6 Syns
  • Pizza Base – 13.5 Syns
  • MilkyWay – 5.5 Syns
  • 25g White Chocolate – 7.0 Syns

Round Up

Each day you can have:

Slimming World Extra Easy Pie Chart Visual BreakdownPin this image on Pinterest

  • As much FREE food as you want. No measuring, weighing or calorie counting.
  • A third of each meal should be made up of SPEED food.
  •  2 HEALTHY EXTRA A food.
  •  1 HEALTHY EXTRA B food.
  • Choose between 5-15 SYNS.

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My Tips

Before you start:

  • Familiarise yourself with the basic concept of the plan
  • Make sure you have all the information easily available! (You will be referring to it A LOT at first)
  • Make sure your cupboards and fridge is stocked with all the right foods and you have used up any of the wrong foods

During the plan:

  • Weigh out your Healthy Extra A & B each morning
  • Plan out meals for the week
  • Keep a diary of what you eat each day (download the free printable below)
  • Weigh yourself once a week ONLY or else the results will not be accurate and you will drive yourself crazy!

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To help keep on track I have created a free printable diary for you to log everything you are eating you can download this here: FREE PRINTABLE. Print out a new one for each day of the week and keep track of your progress.

I’m Logging My Latestes Weight Loss Goals HERE – Follow My Journey

If you want further support and company on your weight loss journey, join my free Facebook Group here. If you have found this website and articles useful and you’d like to know how you can say thank you then I am always appreciative to receive a virtual coffee here. 

More Information

For more information on Slimming World and to find a local group visit their website here.

More Posts You May Be Interested In:

Slimming World Going It Alone & Free Printable

My Weight Journey

What Is Speed Food?

List of Speed Foods

Slimming World Essentials to Help Lose Weight

Weight Loss Goals For 2020

Slimming World Meatballs & Pasta Ready Meal Review

Weight Loss Headset Review

Thank you for stopping by! Check out my last post here.

Love as always!

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Profile soph-obsessedMore From Me

Want to find out more about me? Head over to this page. If you like reading posts like this then you might want to follow me over on Bloglovin. Don’t forget you can find me on InstagramFacebookTwitter & YouTube.

As always words, views and opinions are honest and my own. Links marked with “*” are affiliate links. This does not cost you anything additional but it may mean I earn a small percentage from any sales. For more information about any of this please head over to this page.





**Please note this post is in no way sponsored or endorsed by Slimming World or any other company. All opinions are my own. I am not a medical professional or dietitian this post relates solely to my own experience only. Whenever you make a change to your diet it is advised to seek advice from your GP. This information is not intended to replace the advice or information provided by a medical professional. If in doubt speak to a healthcare provider or dietitian. Information provided is correct to the best of my knowledge at the time of publication.  From time to time Slimming World change aspects of the extra easy plan which means this information may have changed, to stay up to date please refer to their website for the latest up to date information.

Slimming World: Going it Alone Guide & Free Printable



  1. kage2015
    21st January 2017 / 4:44 pm

    This is totally something new for me. Will have to study more about this and how it works. Great information.

  2. Anas
    22nd January 2017 / 12:18 am

    Thank you for the tips ans the informations really great one and awesome post

    • sophiegw
      23rd January 2017 / 5:55 pm

      Thank you 🙂 x

    • Christine Booth
      2nd February 2023 / 11:56 am

      Going it alone also and this is so what I needed, everything in one place thankyou for sharing x

  3. Heather
    22nd January 2017 / 6:22 am

    This was the most helpful food post I have ever read!

    • sophiegw
      23rd January 2017 / 5:54 pm

      Aw I’m glad you think so thank you!! xx

  4. Waldorf Salad & Cottage Fries
    23rd January 2017 / 4:00 pm

    This program makes weight-loss not look so overwhemling. great idea!

    • sophiegw
      23rd January 2017 / 5:53 pm

      Right? Which is exactly what I need! x

  5. PendleStitches
    3rd July 2017 / 5:08 pm

    I’ve just found your blog and am so relieved to know that whilst I love the Slimming World plan, the meetings are not for me.
    I’d been searching for a way of eating that wasn’t hideously restrictive, was sustainable in the long term, was something I was comfortable doing with a small girl in the house that didn’t give her unhealthy ideas about eating (can we say meal replacement shakes!), and actually worked.
    This does, but the meetings just felt like a waste of a lot of time I can’t afford to waste.
    So, I’ve some reading to catch up with on your blog, and thanks so much for this post.

    • sophiegw
      4th July 2017 / 10:21 am

      I’ve been such a bad blogger updating my SW posts too but it’s going really well! I can’t afford to go somewhere to be weighed especially as I can do it at home myself!!

  6. Sandra
    21st September 2017 / 6:14 pm

    Thank you SO SO much. I don’t think the groups are for me either, I’m really not into that kind of setting, but I also can’t justify the expense for joining right now, our budget is pretty tight.
    I live in the USA and Slimming World is not that big at all here yet, but most bloggers and vloggers I follow are in the UK so I have heard so much about Slimming World and really want to try. I tried researching but couldn’t figure out what I needed from each category and what I could eat, tips etc.

    You are a life saver, I believe I can make this work without needing the whole Slimming World website. Thank you so much 🙂

  7. Gwen
    20th October 2017 / 11:19 pm

    Thank you for the information. I appreciate that you took the time to do this and your thoughtfulness to share. ????

    • sophiegw
      11th November 2017 / 1:15 pm

      You’re welcome Gwen I hope it helps you lovely xx

  8. Elaine McWhirter
    28th October 2017 / 11:21 pm

    Thanks for doing this, I’m struggling to get motivated but been keeping a food diary. This makes sense to me now and a lot of my dairy is replaced with lactose free and soya.

  9. Debbie Hendy
    20th November 2017 / 9:25 am

    Sophie, thank you so much for your blog, it is being a great help to me. Like the others I don’t like the meetings but I needed a reminder of the ‘rules’.
    I eat healthily anyway, but i like being reminded of the calorie traps.
    In my mind losing weight has always been restriction, but with this way of eating I’m eating more than ever & losing weight!!!
    Thank you so much

    • sophiegw
      30th November 2017 / 10:09 am

      I feel exactly the same! Fantastic news that its working for you keep it up!!

    21st November 2017 / 2:30 pm

    Hi Soph wow this is a fabulous very informative website – I am so so impressed. I thought of rejoining Slimming World as I have put a few pounds on but your blog, which i stumbled across by chance, is amazing and I had to thank you for your time and effort and kindness in sharing.
    all the best
    Viki Gilbert- Manchester England xxxx

    • sophiegw
      30th November 2017 / 10:08 am

      You are so welcome I really hope it helps weight loss is hard work good luck in your journey!!

  11. Nicola, Edinburgh
    3rd January 2018 / 8:43 am

    Hi Sophie, I’ve just found your blog and it is really informative. I have actually just signed up to start Slimming World so I will go for the first few weeks to get me started as I need the motivation to change my habits and feel that the classes will help initially. I’ll see how I feel after a few weeks, but thank you for all of the helpful tips.

    • sophiegw
      19th January 2018 / 9:25 am

      Going to class can be really motivational so go for it and see how you go! x

  12. Ancilla
    10th January 2018 / 1:49 pm

    HI. I am vegetarian and am intolerant to gluten and dairy products. Will i still be able to follow the slimming world diet?

    • sophiegw
      19th January 2018 / 9:24 am

      Yes absolutely you would just omit any meat or animal products and substitute those as you would usually. The principles remain the same a third of your plate should be made up of speed food which is vegetables and fruit which are of course vegan friendly. For your Hex A which is usually milk just use your vegan choice such as almond etc xx

  13. Amy
    28th January 2018 / 9:52 am

    Fab info for a newbie, thank you! 🙂 x

  14. Helen
    31st January 2018 / 6:50 pm

    A very good Blog Sophie, I have just joined slimming world and although the group is informative I find I am learning more online. Your food dairy is very handy too.

  15. Gellie
    10th February 2018 / 10:29 am

    Excellent, your hard work is very much appreciated, thank you, Gellie

  16. Kelly
    4th March 2018 / 11:34 am

    Thank you so much.. just what I needed I used slimming world years ago and was very successful going it alone but it was red and green days… it’s changed so much and does seem to be easier now.

    • sophiegw
      8th March 2018 / 4:23 pm

      It’s funny how things change but being honest I think once your head is around this it’s much easier!

  17. Furious Furian
    5th March 2018 / 10:26 am

    A very succinct and useful resource, well done 😉

    • sophiegw
      8th March 2018 / 4:22 pm

      Thank you!

  18. Wendy Willis
    15th March 2018 / 4:17 pm

    Thank you for sharing. X

  19. Mrs Zoe Thomson
    20th March 2018 / 12:03 pm

    Thank you for doing this. Do you have a printable version please? x

  20. Jemma Nash
    24th March 2018 / 10:40 am

    Great post for those that don’t want to go to group! Thankyou x

  21. lisa
    13th April 2018 / 9:58 am

    New to this never tried slimming world So glad i have just stumbled across this on my day 1, i will be printing this off i’m not 1 for group meetings i will defo follow this thank you at least 100lb to go A great start . thank you x

  22. Valerie
    22nd April 2018 / 7:52 am

    I have followed this way of life since I was 21 without knowing it was called slimming world diet and I believe strongly that works.

  23. Sharon
    1st May 2018 / 9:05 am

    Brilliant, can’t fit going to classes in my schedule. This is brilliant, will be giving it a try and following you.

    Thank you so much

  24. Anne Crowe
    1st May 2018 / 2:50 pm

    This is brilliant, thank you for the motivation. It is concise and simple, so often food blogs are over complicated. I will let you know how I get on! Thanks, Anne.

  25. Jules
    12th May 2018 / 8:28 am

    Hi Sophie
    I have just stumbled upon your site, omg just what I’m looking for, thank you so much, I’ve been successful on slimming world in the past, but struggled going to group as I found it boring and so time consuming, I am gluten intolerant so find food difficult when trying to lose weight without direction, a big thank you for making it so clear and giving me the choice to go it alone after a time of trying so many fads that don’t work…

  26. Esther Barrett
    12th May 2018 / 9:10 am

    So if I want skimmed milk in my tea, and dairylea triangle, does the cheese count as a sun rather than health extra? Really helpful clear guidance x

    • sophiegw
      30th May 2018 / 8:42 pm

      Yeah you would need to syn either the cheese or the milk but one of them would count as your healthy extra x

  27. Peter
    20th May 2018 / 10:49 am

    I did SW for about 7 weeks, but I didn’t stop for the group meetings so I just ended up paying to get weighed essentially, so I had the same idea, why don’t I just follow the diet myself at home. So now I eat a high carb low fat vegan diet, which aside from the occasional glass of red wine is basically made up of free and speed foods on the SW diet, and to-date I have now lost 10% of my original starting weight without feeling like I am even trying and never feel deprived

    • sophiegw
      30th May 2018 / 8:41 pm

      Isn’t it amazing I was such a skeptic but I love it now!

  28. Cheryl
    25th May 2018 / 3:42 pm

    Hi Sophie. Is there any way of finding a list of ALL foods? I’m a bit of a cheese fiend and would be interested to know what other cheeses can be eaten?

  29. kendon andrew richards
    15th June 2018 / 8:58 pm

    Hi Sophie this is brilliant and just what I was looking for … I have been attending my local Slimming world group for around three months and have lost one and a half stone in that time so I am fully motivated , I find the group a waste of money to be honest as I only go to get weighed then leave which is a waste of £4.95 weekly and to be honest it takes nearly an hour to get weighed so this is really the way to go for me. well done on producing an excellent site

  30. kendon andrew richards
    15th June 2018 / 9:10 pm

    Hi Sophie this is a great blog , just what I was looking for, I have been attending slimming world for three months and have lost one and a half stone so I am fully motivated , however I don’t feel that the group setting is offering me anything as I am simply paying £4.95 weekly just to get weighed , the group meetings are fairly disorganised often taking three quarters of an hour just to get weighed so I am going to go it alone and the information you have provided is great and will help me hugely .. all the best Kenny

  31. Lynn Foster
    7th September 2018 / 8:47 am

    Hello, how do I find your food diary, lynn

  32. Shaz
    9th September 2018 / 9:04 am

    Thank you, you have shown how simple it is to put the plan into action and everything I need to know is right here. Cheer!

  33. Jade
    9th September 2018 / 5:58 pm

    Hi, Im so thankful to have found this blog post! However im struggling to find a total list of syns. do you know where i could find this without joining slimming world?

  34. Belinda Welburn
    19th September 2018 / 7:38 am

    Brilliant site thankyou!

  35. Fran
    4th October 2018 / 6:39 pm

    Late to the party (so to speak!) but intend to start my own SW solo attempt on Monday, in preparation for my son’s wedding in six weeks!

  36. Maria
    2nd December 2018 / 11:05 pm

    I feel the same!! I have been and remained many times but I just can’t connect in group like everyone else.
    The plan is brilliant but I just need more support which isn’t given to me in the group, but you have inspired me to try again and tomorrow is a new beginning for me xx

    • sophiegw
      12th January 2019 / 11:15 pm

      Yes Maria how exciting I hope following along with me will give you a bit of support it’s hard but group certainly isn’t for everyone xx

  37. Laura
    23rd January 2019 / 8:21 am

    I also used to go to SW class just to get weighed, I really didn’t like staying to class and felt I really wasn’t reaping any benefits when I did. However, I did lose weight. I really want to get back on plan and shake off the Christmas lbs for the summer. Good luck everyone.

    • sophiegw
      1st March 2019 / 11:28 am

      Good luck to you Laura lets see us all hitting those goals in 2019!

  38. Lesley Robinson
    24th February 2019 / 3:20 pm

    Hi Sophie. Are you going to continue with the plan as you have it or are you going to incorporate the changes that were announced in January. I personally think if it worked for you before there a need to change it.

    • sophiegw
      1st March 2019 / 11:27 am

      Hi Lesley
      I’ve just been to Slimming World group to get all of the updated information but if I am honest I think I am going to continue with what has been working. If it isn’t broken don’t fix it right? I may start to incorporate the changes as I continue but at the moment I don’t want to rock the boat.

  39. Michelle
    26th April 2019 / 2:09 pm

    Hi Sophie do you have a template of a small diary where I can record my a and b choices and Syns please just so I can make a small book 😊

  40. Pauline
    28th April 2019 / 5:27 pm

    Thanks for the updated changes for 2019

  41. Sue Turner
    26th May 2019 / 9:33 pm

    Hi Sophie, thanks for taking the time to do this. I did SW last year but stopped getting anything out of the group sessions and gave up. Want to start again on my own as I know the basic principles of how it works so this is going to really help me. Thank you.

  42. Nikolett
    14th June 2019 / 10:31 pm

    Hello. Can you send me please the printable form please?

  43. Michele
    16th June 2019 / 2:44 pm

    I’m going to restart Slimming World tomorrow , doing it at home. I like doing Slimming world but the classes were not for me. Good luck to everyone.

  44. carryl
    5th July 2019 / 11:25 pm

    please can you help me lose weight im desperate

    • sophiegw
      8th July 2019 / 8:43 pm

      Oh Carryl can you email me lovely? I will see if I can help get you started.

  45. elle reynolds
    7th July 2019 / 2:21 pm

    Hi Sophie, yes in deed thank you for all your hard work, it’s amazing really, and I would very much appreciate joining you on a weight loss plan,
    So, I am A young 57 he old woman, I joined slimming world 10 weeks ago ish! And lost just under 1stone, but, then got the flu. ect, and as far as I am aware have maintained , I never had the time to stay for the group meetings as I work shifts but I do enjoy the online app, I have been thinking of saving my money, and doing on my own, I still would like to lose 10lbs, I would love a group that would like to support me and I would help support too,
    Many thanks Elle X

  46. Sandra Evans
    10th July 2019 / 6:17 pm

    Good luck to us all.
    This is very down to earth and plain speaking, thank you. X

  47. Shirley green
    12th July 2019 / 3:57 pm

    Joined SW a week ago and in the week since have lost 5lbs. BUT those books are so disjointed and complicated.
    Alphabetical would be so much easier

  48. Angela Hannis
    18th July 2019 / 9:53 am

    Hi just wanted to say huge thank you to you for writing this post. I did slimming world a few years ago with the old plan. I maintained my goal weight for five years then I started to pile it back on due to fibromyalgia. I’m unhappy with my weight but found the new slimming world plan confusing. After reading your post it’s so much clearer for me and I can’t wait to start it. Thank you Angie xx

  49. Annie
    23rd July 2019 / 9:40 pm

    Hi!! I joined SW a year ago and didn’t get much out of it. I thought I would join online and manage on my own but I found the website, class etc confusing and hard to follow. This seems so much easier to manage. What were the new changes SW made in January?
    I need to lose weight!!!!! Please help!! Any advice welcomed!
    Thank you! Annie

  50. Debby cocks
    3rd August 2019 / 6:52 am

    I lost 5stone at group now out on 1 stone and doing alone for a year support would be great

  51. Margaret Peace
    17th August 2019 / 7:44 am

    I know slimming world works my friend lost 6 stone. I definitely need to give it a try

  52. Mrs Caroline Smith
    18th August 2019 / 10:19 am

    What a fantastic blog, been reading since Saturday, and now have the principle, I live in Spain, and no official slimmers world classes, where I live, but a few, unauthorized classes.springing up, around the area, but no books, no extras to purchase.
    If you have the will power, to go it alone, I think it’s a great idea, and cheaper.
    So I started the eating principal yesterday, I only want to lose a stone, so nothing major, to my surprise, I lost 2lbs on day one.
    Still learning, so just check out the internet, no questions that I had, could not be answered.

  53. sc schealer
    25th August 2019 / 10:51 pm

    Was wondering what is ‘dried pasta and rice’ is this cooked and dried before eating (so not from pot to table?)

    • sophiegw
      27th August 2019 / 10:58 am

      It just means the kind you keep in the cupboard and includes any pasta that isn’t fresh or from the fridge. You cook it as normal 🙂

  54. Joseema
    19th September 2019 / 9:51 pm

    So glad i came across this! Just when i needed it most-thinking to join sw as iv finally started my journey back to pre-pregnancy body. Can i pls ask do u have to have group a and b foods or can u miss them out? Or is it a must for the weight loss to work??

  55. Kareen binter
    23rd November 2019 / 11:55 am

    Thanks so much for this , I am from the UK but now live in the USA. It’s brilliant to have thus information so I can do the plan over here 🙂 thanks for taking the time to share the plan it’s been years since I have Been on the plan

  56. Sarah Whitehead
    25th November 2019 / 10:55 pm

    Thank you. Brilliant

  57. Jules
    29th November 2019 / 7:45 pm

    Just found this today 29/11/19 so glad I did .
    Thank you 👍

  58. Nikki
    5th December 2019 / 12:51 am

    I am in the exact same situation, I was looking for a group but there are non over here. I want to start doing this plan

  59. Nikki
    5th December 2019 / 12:52 am

    I noticed you said to weigh some foods, how do we know what to weigh and what amounts we should eat?

  60. y
    6th December 2019 / 2:30 am

    I just found this today 06/12/2019. I very happy that I did because I’m having problems and I am feeling very frustrated because I’ve being on the plan and I haven lost anything other that my motivation.
    Thank you for your blog is very useful

  61. Sian Davies
    1st January 2020 / 6:34 pm

    Very ok interesting tips too help you stimulate and get the weight loss you need.

  62. Sian Davies
    1st January 2020 / 6:39 pm

    This plan will help to stimulate you and helps you stayed focus and also loss the weight you want to loss brilant

  63. Wendy Lynne Breakwell
    7th January 2020 / 6:53 am

    You are now allowed 2 Healthy Extra A

  64. Sarah Warwick
    9th January 2020 / 3:24 am

    Thank you so much for posting this… it’s the most user friendly version that explains how Slimming World works in a clear way making it far easier to understand!
    Even the slimming world site ends up being so confusing when it’s completely new to you!
    I have saved your information and will refer to it regularly I’m sure… thanks again..😊

  65. Karen Edwards
    1st May 2020 / 5:05 pm

    sorry for being ignorant, but I slimming world years ago but it was red and green days, is it really possible to eat free food of pasta or rice etc as well as protein on the same day? I’m confused.


    • sophiegw
      12th May 2020 / 8:14 am

      Hi Karen I didn’t do Slimming World when it was red or green days so I am not sure what the plan was like then. This plan, however, allows you to eat free food, pasta, rice, protein all in the same day no restrictions EXCEPT you need to make sure on third of your plate is filled with speed food.

  66. Peter
    11th May 2020 / 5:48 pm

    Hello Sophie, I just came across your website whilst searching for a slimming World menu that my wife used to cook about 20 years ago. It was Cottage Pie but with cottage cheese on the top instead of potato. It was yum. Anyway, I can’t find it. Can you help? My weight is a bit yo-yo like a lot of people but I have decided to get a grip now, during this madness of lockdown. So I’m exercising a lot (as is my wife) and want to complete the circle with my food intake. Anyway, I hope you can help. How will I know? Your website is excellent. Keep up the good work. Keep Safe. Peter

    • sophiegw
      12th May 2020 / 8:17 am

      Hi, Peter, I haven’t heard of that recipe but it sounds yum!! If you find it please pass it on I would love to try! I hope you find this information useful in getting back on track!

  67. Jo
    25th June 2020 / 9:18 pm


    I’m a vegan. How do A’s work for me please? Is Oat Milk & vegan cheese acceptable alternatives?

    Thank you


    • sophiegw
      28th July 2020 / 9:27 am

      Hi Jo – yes they are it’s different amounts based on the type of alternative if you have a google you should be able to find how much you are allowed for whichever milk or cheese substitute you choose. I sometimes have almond milk and you can have quite a lot of that!

  68. Michelle
    27th July 2020 / 8:40 am

    When you have healthy extra a and b is that a foods you can’t eat later that day please

    • sophiegw
      28th July 2020 / 9:22 am

      You can have 2 healthy extra A and one healthy extra B per day. You can eat them whenever you like on their own or incorporated into your meal but you can only have that set amount. x

  69. Marian Burns
    9th January 2021 / 2:20 pm

    Thank you for synopsising the slimming world plan. I, like you, prefer to do my own thing but I needed a plan. I will print out your charts and make a start. I have one stone to lose, but it’s a stubborn one stone. Good luck with your journey. xx

  70. Zippy
    17th January 2021 / 1:24 pm

    Thank you Sophie, like others needed a reminder of what’s what as it’s been a while. I like it long overdue that slimming world bring themselves up to date and realise that they need to offer an alternative to meeting for those who will not benefit. There should be a one off sensible annual fee where you can access the information online.
    But in the meantime your blog is a great help. 😎

  71. Sally
    10th June 2021 / 10:25 am

    Thank you Sophie, just seeing this is going to help me get started again. I, too, want to fo it on my own.

  72. Pam
    7th August 2021 / 11:48 am

    Thank you so much for all this information, this blog is a brilliant help for me, because I’m on a tight budget and absolutely hate any diet groups where you have to weigh in (walk of shame) and attend. I work shifts this is perfect ☺️☺️☺️😍

  73. Anna
    29th March 2022 / 2:51 pm

    Wow Sophie THANKYOU so much I luv slimming world program but live in Australia but have bought thier magazine for fifteen years your n formation is a great help just wish I knew what foods are free in Australia as I don’t know which foods here are the same as you so jakes it hard but shy help would b so appreciated kind regards Anna

  74. gaynor bailey
    7th June 2023 / 7:23 pm

    Thanks Sophie this has been really helpful x

  75. Valerie Wareham
    30th January 2024 / 4:49 pm

    Thank you so much for this info. I live in Spain so no chance of going to a group. Due to a medical problem I have to take steroids which pile the weight on. If I can just stop my weight increasing even if I can’t lose I would be really happy. Again, thank you so much.

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