Can You Lose Weight On Slimming World Without Exercise?

When it comes to weight loss, the formula is easy – “Eat Less and Move More.” The thing is as simple as that concept sounds the reality doesn’t work out to be quite so straightforward. Weight loss for many is a complicated process. I hold my hands up and agree that I fall under this category. For the people that do struggle a lifestyle change such as Slimming World can be quite useful in shifting those pounds for the long term. I have personally used the plan on and off for the past few years and successfully lost over five stone following the steps in the past. Whenever I share about my journey with Slimming World I am often asked the same question again and again; Can you lose weight on Slimming World Without Exercise?

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Weight Loss & Exercise

I honestly believe that you either are the type of person that enjoys exercise or you aren’t. I’ve dabbled with different exercise classes, joined gyms and taken up every fad you can imagine in the past trying to find my exercise groove. Exercise is good for a multitude of reasons besides weight loss, so I would definitely encourage you to explore different exercise options to see if anything resonates. Still, for many people, when starting their weight loss journey, the idea of exercise can be daunting and entirely off-putting. People worry about their fitness levels, how they will look in a gym, or just trying to find the time to fit exercise plans in can be a concern! I have Psoriatic Arthritis which impacts my joints, causing inflammation and pain. My condition goes through a number of flares and remission periods but if I am struggling, then exercise definitely isn’t an option for me.

Ever wondered Why am I not losing weight on Slimming World? 

Can You Lose Weight on Slimming World Without Exercise?

Honestly, the short answer is absolutely. Of course, it’s always a good idea to try and incorporate exercise in your lifestyle where possible. Still, it is entirely possible to lose weight on Slimming World without the need to ramp up your activity. Personally, when I lost five stone following the plan, I barely exercised beyond the odd walk here or there, and my losses didn’t suffer as a result.

two feet stood on weighing scales

The Slimming World plan is focused around changing your eating habits. It’s all about cooking food from scratch, controlling exactly what you put into each and every meal. Speed Foods are an essential part of the plan and managing the number of unhealthy choices you have by using their Syn point system. If you are utilising the plan and fully optimising your food, then there is no requirement to exercise and although this is, of course, encouraged you don’t need to worry that not exercising will hinder your weight loss.

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Thank you for stopping by! Check out my last post here.

Love as always!

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1 Comment

  1. Carolyn E
    9th April 2020 / 1:51 pm

    Good luck with achieving your goals. It’s not easy, especially right now with the fridge so close all day! I find fresh air helps me stay positive which in turn helps me see things more clearly.

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