I have now been back on Slimming World for seven weeks. During that time, there have been ups and downs, but I have so far lost over a stone, and honestly, I am feeling good for it. I still have a long way to go to reach my goals, but I feel like I am finally doing something about everything. Seven weeks seems like a lifetime, and I have had some bumps in the road like my holiday, and despite my loathing for attending group, I have spontaneously rejoined, and things are going well.
This Week
I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you that this week has been a struggle. I featured a few chocolate sweet treats in my Mother’s Day Gift Guide, which seemed to linger around the house far too long. It’s also been an incredibly stressful week for me, and my mental health has taken a bit of a battering. I know that a considerable amount of my eating habits come from my emotional state. It’s something I’m working on, but I am not by any stretch of the imagination perfect! I’m trying to be kind to myself in an effort towards adding more self-care into my lifestyle. If I have a slip, I try not to berate myself too much and instead turn it into motivation.
The weather has meant that I haven’t been quite as active as I would like either. I usually try and walk to school twice a day a least, but with all the rain we have had it’s made taking the car a more natural option for sure. I’m hoping with the spring weather will come a boost in my mood and getting outside more will definitely help too. I’ve had to put a hold on my fitness classes due to my Psoriatic Arthritis flaring. It’s currently causing issues in my hands and knees, and I’m having to take more painkillers than I would, of course, like. Nothing addictive though as per my history with prescription drugs.
The Results
All in all this week has been a bit meh. Neither good not bad just another one down if you like. Instead of dreading the scales this week I had accepted that I was likely to have gained and I was ok with that. This journey is all about the end game, and it cannot be rushed. I was surprised to see that I hadn’t gained but had in fact lost 1lb. I’ll happily take that!
Next week needs to be a big focus on leaning into the plan that I know works well. The principles of Slimming World are simple and easy, and if you follow them, they really do work. I can’t let a blip in the moment ruin what I have achieved so far so instead I am focusing on reaching that end goal.
How is your Slimming World journey going so far? I’d love for you to let me know in the comments below. As always if you want to stay up to date on my progress daily, the best places to follow me are Instagram, where I overshare on my stories frequently and Facebook. Come and give me a follow and we can offer support to each other on this road!
You may also be interested in:
Slimming World Going It Alone & Free Printable
Slimming World Essentials to Help Lose Weight
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Eight Week Weight Loss Challenge
Shamed For Wanting To Lose Weight
Can You Lose Weight On Slimming World Without Exercise?
Slimming World Group – Why It’s Not For Me
Going Back To Group – My Slimming World Journey
Thank you for stopping by! Check out my last post here.
Love as always!
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That first stone loss is always such a huge achievement that keeps spurring you on. Noone ever said a weight loss journey was a straight road, take the little detours but keep going in the same direction chick, you are totally rocking it! Hope you are all staying well! xx Sim
I’ve just started to read your blogs Sophie and thoroughly enjoying them. Maybe it’s because I can relate to the arthritic pain, weight loss battles and mental illness (depression), who knows. But thank you for sharing your experiences. I’m re-starting my Slim Fast journey tomorrow. I’m terrified of yet another failure, but I won’t stop trying. Take care.
Don’t ever stop trying you’ve got this! Good Luck!!!
I’m starting my Slimming World, not Slim Fast journey as incorrectly stated on last message LOL!!!